Time is speeding up. A novel I
wrote twenty years ago is being republished by Lume Books. It is called “Pretty
Little Packages”, (although it started life as “Maisie’s Amazing Maids”). The
main character is a ghostwriter, (no surprise there), and the plot is about modern
slavery, which was a subject I was writing about a lot at the time.

Re-reading it now, nothing much has
changed about the modern slavery business – if anything it has grown worse, but
perhaps we are just more aware of it than we were at the turn of the Millennium.
A lot of other things, however, have changed.
In the year 2000 mobile phones
still had a certain novelty value for many of us. Most of us certainly didn’t
use them for anything other than phoning one another in the age-old manner.
Letters still came through the post, we bought street maps when we had to
navigate around unfamiliar cities, and fax machines were commonplace.
Full body tattoos were highly unusual
and when one of the characters in the book dyes her hair metallic pink it makes
her stand out from the crowd in a way it would not now. People also thought it
normal to smoke in public places.
From the point of view of a
ghostwriter, I am struck by how normal I thought it was in 2000 for books to
receive six-figure advances from editors, and for newspapers to pay similar
amounts for serialisation rights. The options of self-publishing or independent
publishing were seldom mentioned; everything hinged on getting deals through
the traditional publishing model.
It is only twenty years ago, but
the book has become a period-piece in a way that I don’t think a book written
in 1950 would have seemed in 1970. Like I say, time is speeding up.
Time is definitely speeding up!
But change is inevitable and I choose to believe it's a good thing.
We can't stop it anyway, as much as we might want to try.