The 500k Gift: Reading to Children for Fun and the Benefits - Raquel Edwards

March saw another World Book Day where children and parents alike competed to see who had the best costume. Celebrated each year, the day pays homage to authors and illustrators united by the innate knowledge that reading is fun. However, while World Book Day began with the aim of giving every child a book, for many today, it is all about the dressing up! I am privileged to write for a publisher, In The Book , that felt strongly about this diversion from the reading aspect of World Book Day. We recently conducted a survey which showed only 18% of adults in the UK read to their children for 20 minutes a day. With so much excitement surrounding World Book Day, we were surprised to find this excitement didn’t translate into a passion for reading. And the benefits of reading to kids for 20 minutes or more a day are abundant. You can read the full post from us here. Did you know that a child’s brain develops the fastest up to the age of five than any other...