Time doesn't heal -- Ava Manello

Today marks a year since I lost my amazing Mum to cancer. I guess she gave me my love of reading as she always had a book on the go on the side of her bed. Through her, I was introduced to Agatha Christie, Jean Plaidy and the like.

I'll admit she wasn't a fan of my style of writing as it has descriptive sex in it, but she was always proud of me as a writer and told all her friends about my books.

I don't know about you, but when life throws curveballs at us, I always escape into a book. For those few hours, I'm lost in another world, away from my problems and worrying about someone else's life instead of my own.

There is a magic to reading that is like nothing else, escapism and pleasure that I have never found in any other medium be it on the screen, stage or music.

So when you're having a rough day and losing your writing mojo, just remember that the words you create on the page may just make a difference to your reader, they may make a bad day better.

Apologies this is such a short blog post this month, but today isn't about books, it's about time spent with family remembering an incredibly special and very much missed woman.

I miss you Mum. Love you always x


Wendy Jones said…
Thank you for taking the time to share in such a difficult day. You are right, Reading is balm to the soul
Griselda Heppel said…
What a sad anniversary, I am so sorry. To know that books can help people through grim times is a great motivation for keeping writing. Should be added to Wendy's list on her 16 February post! https://authorselectric.blogspot.com/2019/02/motivation-matters-by-wendy-h-jones.html
Umberto Tosi said…
My own dear Ma, whom we lost 20 years ago, would have been 101 today - and I still miss her. I don't think she ever got through one of my books or the magazines I published. She read novels, but not my kind. Nevertheless, she displayed them all prominently on her coffee table and visible shelves. Thank you for sharing your moving elegy.

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