Choices (Cecilia Peartree)
Happy New Year! At this time of year I traditionally make an annual writing plan. Quite often, and usually to my own surprise, I tend to stick to it, more or less. Early in December 2024, I happened to have completed and published something, and because I know I get very bad-tempered if I'm not writing anything new, I had to decide on something to start on - despite having all sorts of other things to do, needless to say. But that's beside the point. On this occasion I already had a kind of mental shortlist of options. Having written books in four or so series so far - there's actually a fifth one but I see it as complete, for now at least - I would have been fairly content to write another mystery in one of three existing mystery series or another historical not-quite-romance in my rambling historical series. I say not-quite-romance because some critics don't seem to think they fit all the tropes, something I have also found with my 28-strong cosy mystery series. Ther...