Procrastination - I blame it all on the Social Media - by Hywela Lyn
Coincidences don’t have any place in fiction (or so we’re always told) but when I was desperately trying to think of a theme for this month’s post, one thought kept creeping in. "If I didn’t have to spend so much time on Facebook, Twitter, and – dare I say it – blogging. I would be able to concentrate more on my writing." Then I realised that Ros said pretty much the same thing in her post yesterday. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy blogging and it is an exercise in writing after all. I have my own blog, a blog I run with friends, and of course 'Authors Electric' and I love them all dearly, but all this 'social networking' lark does tend to run away with the time, sometimes. The trouble is, as Ros says, in order to sell your books, people have to know who you are, or at least what your books are, and where they are. These days, whether you’re self-published or traditionally published, or with a ‘small press’, paperback, hardback or E-book, the problem