One Year On: N M Browne
It is a year since I had Covid and this time last year I wrote this: 'I suppose I should write something funny about working in isolation. To be honest I have been ill for most of it so far – not desperately-not-breathing ill, more fall- asleep-in-the- afternoon- blancmange- brain kind of ill, which has been almost restful.' A couple of days later I was able to go out and wrote this: After a fortnight of quarantine I wake to a different world the air is clean and no planes plough their white furrow across the blue sky. I buy a coffee ( takeaway) and it tastes like my first, a sweet butter- fest of croissant is the best I ever had. I say hello to everyone I meet, ‘It’s still London’ my daughter says as though I’ve moved from sick bed to dotage but this is not the London that I know. Along the silent tow path people smile I wave at a toddler on Richmond Green her startled mother laughs surprise and beams. And this Everything is growing wildly, even death, buds shooting ev