Fictional fiction: N M Browne
We writers do like to bang on about writing don’t we? How many of the heroes of novels are in fact novel writers? From Death in Venice to London Fields we insert our own occupation into the mix for a little post modern intrigue. We even like our fictional detectives to be writers from Jessica Fletcher and Castle to the poet Adam Dalgliesh, created by PD James. It is very tempting to follow that over used dictum to ‘ write what we know,’ and write all about us. Thus far I’ve avoided that trap only because my fictional characters have to be as unlike me as possible in order to fulfil their role as adventure hero or heroine. The urge to write about a woman just like myself is strong though I am still fighting it, which makes me an unlikely convert to a script about a script writer. Of course I used to love those Hollywood films like ‘Singin’ in the Rain’ about making a film, but the recent 'La La Land'which seemed to focus on the undiluted narcissism needed to ful