Two Years You’ll Never Forget - Guest Post by Marie-Louise Jensen
It can be tricky to pinpoint the moment when you first had an idea for a book. And with my Sixth Formers , I didn’t even plan to write a book. I just sat down to write a scene, based on an amusing anecdote my son had told me. At first, I didn’t have the voice right and I was disappointed with how it came out. But instead of putting it aside, I kept trying. Over the next week or so, I played with different characters and ideas. I still didn’t plan to write a novel. And then one afternoon, I tried writing first person in the voice of a teen boy character I’d created and suddenly voice, story and concept all came together and I was completely hooked. I’m normally a historical fiction author, with a number of teen and 9-12 novels traditionally published by OUP and Fiction Express. I love stories set in the past. But every now and then, you need variety. For me, Sixth Formers was a huge change, and it was as refreshing as a cool shower on a hot day. I had, after all, just