On Repeat: N M Browne

I am really bored of the sound of my own voice. Not just my writing voice, which I’ve barely exer cised recently, more my actual physical chatting into a camera voice. The new term is coming up and my face to face course on ‘writing for children’ has been put online. I’ve been asked to record a series of ten lectures for online delivery: it is so much harder than I’d expected. I don’t mind imagining an audience – I’m a writer after all and I can imagine most things – a chamber full of orcs, a classroom buzzing with sentient story telling bees, even a diverse group of adults peering into their screens from anywhere in the world (which is actually what is supposed to happen.) In my mind these virtual students, even the orcs, are attentive and impressed. We will see what happens when my fantasies come up against reality in due course. I hope these imaginary students are less bored by my voice than I am, but then they only have to l...