Happy New Writing Plan -- Cecilia Peartree

Following a temporary planning meltdown towards the end of last year, New Year’s Eve found me hard at work on my 2023 writing plan. I’ve long given up making New Year resolutions, but if you are looking for one that sometimes works, you could do worse than use an old one of mine: ‘I won't say I can’t be bothered’. I think it’s the specificity of this that makes it work, as it’s much easier to stick to not saying it than it is not to feel it.

So instead of resolutions I always make a writing plan for the year. Last year’s was oddly regimented, with a page of notes about what kind of things I would write, and then a second page listing the months of the year with a sentence or two about the project I’d be working on during each month. It was this second page that turned out to be fatally flawed, perhaps not surprisingly, so this year I’m starting with just the general outline, now with only vague ranges of months pencilled in against the writing tasks, which in any case are more or less in a random order, and skipping the detailed month by month plan altogether. I don’t think it’s possible to predict what I might feel like writing very far ahead, and I know from experience that although writing almost anything can turn into a hard slog, writing one thing when you really want to write something else is a recipe for disaster.

'Monthly schedule 2022'

 You can see from the image of my 2022 plan that although I started the year highly organised and quite clear in my mind about what I would write when, towards the middle of 2022 almost the whole thing had to be crossed out or moved to a different place on what I laughingly think of as my timetable. Incidentally, this is one reason why self-publishing suits me better than working with a publisher. Nobody else would put up with my disregard for schedules.

My 2023 plan is lovely and clear at the moment but as usual I will also be creating a plan for each month as I get to it, and that will allow for the situation to change completely as I go along.

Incidentally one benefit of having a plan that I keep updating during the year is that I can see more or less at a glance that I published five novels in 2022. Two of these had been partly written at the start of the year, though. Perhaps fortunately, I only have one half-finished novel on my computer at the moment!

If you think all this is a weird way of working, you’re not the only one. One of my oldest friends gave me the keyring pictured below for Christmas!

'I was normal three cats ago'


Peter Leyland said…
Five novels Cecilia, how fantastic. The plans suggest some kind of self-discipline is needed but that you can break them if required by the inspirations of the moment. It made me think how different writing is for different genres. Academic writing used to be so formal but is now breaking boundaries. I sent my Spanish Lessons blog in for a forthcoming conference and it has been edited brilliantly. I am now writing a meditation on Time based on that Liverpool blog that you so kindly commented on.

Thanks for giving me a good start to the morning!

Thanks Peter. Good idea to develop the Liverpool blog post a bit further - there seemed to be a lot of scope in it. Coincidentally I watched the movie 'Yesterday' the other night on tv and really enjoyed it. I don't know whether you've seen it but there is a sequence where two of the characters visit Liverpool, as well as a scene towards the end which is so emotional that I thought about it for quite along time afterwards.
Peter Leyland said…
Yes I have seen that film Yesterday and enjoyed it like you. There is a lot in McCartney's book, Lyrics, about the song, a lot to do with the death of his mother when he was young.
Debi said…
I admire your discipline to make a plan! I've had an aversion to New Years Resolutions ever since my mother made one when I was 12 that we would take turns doing the dishes each night. We had a dishwasher and I really should have been doing more already. I think it was the fact that someone else made it for me! I haven't made once since. I really should think about a plan though! Perhaps I should make a plan to make a plan? It's a start!