My New Bloody-Good Good-Blooded Book -- Reb MacRath


Books don't come more suspenseful than this red-blooded actioner. And not since Virgil has an author committed to writing daily only a couple of lines. Moreover, not even Virgil wrote a book with no words-- only numbers.

More Reb MacRathian nonsense? Only if you don't believe in the amazing maze comprised of our writing, our lives, and our health. This new book resulted from a recent annual wellness exam in which my grades were mostly good-- except for my blood pressure. In the mid-170s, it was alarmingly high. The doctor showed me the following chart:

His immediate goal was to get my BP down to 130, which would still leave me in danger as you can see from the chart. Ultimately, we must reach the green zone: "Less than 120."

For God's sake! How the hell was I to live to write the great books I might still have within me? I'd already abandoned alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, red meat, white bread; and I'd greatly reduced my intake  dairy, sugar, and sodium. Even so, I seldom met a sweet I wouldn't wrap my lips around. And now this doctor proposed to send me to a slew of specialists.

                                     Segue to the Bloody-Good Good-Blooded Book. 

As a writer, I wondered: might I not at least try to write my out of the red zone and into the beautiful green? With the right BP log I could record my progress and nudge my way to greater gains-- adding more salads and fruits to my diet along with prescribed meds. The visual reinforcement of my daily four lines-- two readings morning and night of Systolic, Diastolic, and Heart Rate-- work for me because my nature is compulsive.

This gift from my doctor has been the  log's daily companion.

My results today after three weeks? The lowest reading today was 118/78.

As important, I think, as the numbers, is the new appreciation of the body/mind connection to our creative powers. I feel more relaxed on the 'plant strong' diet to which I've returned. And now that my engine is humming instead of revving from high pressure I find new confidence in the calmness that is growing.

This is my report.



Welcome to MacRathWorld, if you like premium blends of mystery, action, and suspense. From Caesar's Rome to Seattle today, the twists fly at the speed of night. If you're unfamiliar with my work, I recommend starting with the new Seattle BOP mysteries. Here's the link to my AuthorPage on Amazon for a detailed look at the variety of 'rides' in my amusement park.


Peter Leyland said…
Well that's a lively and witty study of one of the great mysteries - to me anyway Reb, although my wife has a real 'measuring machine'. It all sounds pretty impressive from where I'm typing. (I'm hoping a mile a day walk is sufficient and I've cut down to one cup of caffeinated coffee, although tea is another matter.)

Best of luck that the engine continues in such good shape.
Reb MacRath said…
Thanks, Peter. The walks and reduced caffeine and sodium should do the trick for you. Today my lowest BP reading was down to 120.