February Update -- Joy Kluver

In my January post, I wrote about a few things I was doing to help banish the blues. Did they work? Well, not quite but compared to other Januaries, I did fare better.

First off - my writing. I've reached the point with my MS where I need another pair of eyes on it. I have a beta reader who's the first to see my books. An avid reader and former police officer, she's great at picking up mistakes. I still have some more research to do but my goal of sending DI Bernie Noel 4 to my editor by the end of February is still on track. And I've just secured a copy editor/proofreader who will do both of those things for me. My cover designer has come up with a great idea too, so it feels like things are coming together. Now, I just have to get my head around creating a newsletter and finding subscribers, building a better website and trying to work out how to do Facebook ads!

The other idea that's mulling in my head is still there and requires some more thinking!

I've started the writing group at West Barnes Library and, including me, we had ten people for our first session. It was lovely to connect with other writers again and encourage one another. It brought back fond memories of writing classes with Elizabeth Kay and N.M. Browne. I'm not teaching though, as I consider this a group rather than a class. Hopefully, we can all share our experiences together.

Choir! At time of writing, I've only had one session. The conductor is very enthusiastic and it was nice to be singing again. Having said that, my voice is in pretty poor condition at the moment and needs a lot of work. I have one more free session to go and then I have to decide whether to join or not. I'll let you know next month! When I left choir, I saw the moon had a halo around it. Anyone else see this?
