#REWIND - publication and launch!

 We finally got there! Later than planned, REWIND published on Amazon on Thursday 11th July. It's still not on IngramSpark though. Sigh. Hopefully it will be in the next few days. I think relief was my main emotion rather than excitement. There was barely time to think about it all before going off to Harrogate for the Theakston Crime Writing Festival. And then when I came back, it was straight into preparing for my book launch.

As my other books came out during the Covid years, I didn't have launches for them. So, it was lovely to finally share the celebration with friends and family. I have to admit that at first, I wanted a Waterstones launch because that's what authors have. It wasn't possible though so I booked an evening at West Barnes Library. It's become my second home over the last six years with our author events happening there. It was definitely the right place for the REWIND launch! We had a wonderful evening and I don't think it could have gone any better. Here are some photos of the evening.

60 REWIND cupcakes were made!

If you'd like to buy REWIND, then click here to find out more. Thank you for reading about my self-publishing journey over the last year. I'll be honest, despite my smiling face - I'm not in a hurry to do it again!


Griselda Heppel said…
Congratulations! I hope you sell lots of copies. And the cupcakes! I bet they vanished swiftly.

Good for West Barnes library for hosting your launch. My impression is that book launches have never really recovered from the Covid years. Book shops used to be keen to host them, after all it should be a dead cert for some sales at least. But now... not so much.
Joy Kluver said…
Thanks, Griselda! Sorry, I was on holiday when you commented so I've only just seen it. I had to pay to host my launch at the library but I was able to use my Tesco vouchers to pay for the drinks and I sold all my books! There were a few cakes left over but guests were happy to take those away.