Sol Invictus by Susan Price

 Sol Invictus.

The Sun Invincible.

The Unconquerable Sun.

However cold and grey our winters... However dense, depressing and thick the darkness that enfolds us by afternoon...

Sol Invictus will return.

Today is Yule. The Mid-Winter Feast.

Today we celebrate that, however dark, however cold and however long the darkness of each night, each day will now be an eye-blink longer. And brighter.

The Earth now turns towards mid-summer.

 The leaves, the flowers, warm sunshine and long, light midsummer nights will come again.

Sol Invictus.    

All images from Wikimedia Commons

  First Image: French stained glass

 This file was donated to Wikimedia Commons as part of a project by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. See the Image and Data Resources Open Access Policy

 Second Image: Rochester Cathedral, Kent, UK

Green Man, roof boss, Rochester Cathedral, Kent

Third Image: Southwell Minster’s Chapter House, UK

A ‘Disgorging Green Man’: Southwell Minister’s Chapter House

I have made minor alterations to the images. With the first I have touched in some of the scratches. The Rochester roof boss has been cropped a little. With the third, which would originally have been painted, I've added colour, but have not otherwise altered it.


Griselda Heppel said…
Just as the Eeyores amongst us announce sorrowfully every 21 June that this is the saddest day of the year, as the nights now begin to draw in.... I agree with you that on Christmas Day, during the darkest season, we rejoice that summer is on its way. Hurrah!
I love your illustratons today!