American Fascism's Ground Zero
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Civics assignment |
Last time, they separated immigrant families and jailed children in detention camps. The cruelty was not accidental. It was the goal. This time Trump's goons are apparently taking special aim as U.S. schoolchildren. As if it's not enough that American kids and their teachers have been exposed to mass shootings for decades thanks to the political clout of right-wing gun fanatics and gun makers. Now, less than a month into Trump 2.0 our kids worry about immigration squads raiding their schools without credible cause, warning or warrants.
Last week, school officials in California began distributing guides for students and teachers to defend themselves against dubious federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raid of their schools. ICE apparently singled out schools as a place to start the mass deportation of millions of immigrants without papers, apparently without court-ordered warrants. The San Francisco school district, along with others in sanctuary cities around the country, posted a comprehensive response to help students and faculty cope with the threat of illegal ICE raids. The incidents were not limited to California, as attested by news stories about agents being turned away by the brave principal of a Chicago Southside high school.
The defensive guides are similar to the ALCU bulletins that were posted in public places all over the diverse neighborhood where I lived during the first Trump administration. Last time around, the neighborhood -- Rogers Park on the Windy City's Northside -- weathered the threat of raids on its various Latino, Haitian, Middle Eastern and other immigrants. The anti-immigrant temperature of Trumpismo 2 is much higher this time however and has teachers and community leaders on edge -- intimidation apparently being a goal Trump's chief immigration advisor Stephen Miller - considered a white nationalist Darth Vader.
I posted a blog about Rogers Park under siege by in March 2020, that I think appropriate to repost here under the circumstances in case you missed it: We can use it to measure how bad it gets.
"I Have Seen the City and It Is Us"
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Erika L. Sanchez |
I write this from behind the barricades of Trumpism. Chicago, like virtually all of America's big cities is under siege by the corrupt, authoritarian, demagogue neo-fascist in the White House. His kind find it advantageous to make us the enemy.
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Savoring the splendid diversity of Rogers Park |
One can sense the fear here - as Trump's minions intend no doubt. I live in a busy, peaceful, diverse neighborhood here on Chicago's North Side where scores of windows, porches, and lawns display signs declaring "Hate has no home here!" Just as in the long-gone days of my Italian neighborhood childhood in Boston, many families are multigenerational, with the younger ones mixed and include members with a variety of citizenship status - most native-born, but many naturalized, or on permanent status, and some, yes, of tentative status. Immigration has always been a family affair, crossing borders and generations, assimilating gradually while cross-pollinating the richness of this country's culture as well. They get the message from Trump and his nativist followers saying, you don't belong here. You're not American when in reality, they are the essence of twenty-first-century America.
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Rogers Park churches stand up |
I shiver at the parallels with particular details of Hitler's Final Solution, which I recently reviewed in researching a period novel on which I am working. Roundups and death camps didn't spring up overnight. The Nazi's advanced their persecution incrementally during the decade following Hitler's rise to power in 1933. The blueprint for it didn't even originate with its notorious architect, Adolf Eichmann. He based it on a 1937 memo by a then 23-year-old underling in Himmler's department of Jewish affairs from an upper-class Prussian family named Otto von Bolschwing. He said years later that he had "nothing against the Jews," only wrote this notorious memo in a bureaucratic effort to impress his superiors (another footnote in the banality of evil.)
Bolschwing's "Jewish solution" memo did indeed impress Eichmann and Hitler's Gestapo chief Heinrich Himmler. In it, Bolschwing pointed out that Germany's Jews were well integrated into the greater populace and would first need to be "separated" out in a process that would deny them their civil and economic rights and turn the population against them before deportation and elimination. "A largely anti-Jewish atmosphere must be created among the people in order to form the basis for the continued attack and the effective exclusion of them," wrote von Bolshwing to his superiors, which included Eichman. (After the Nazi defeat in 1945, Bolschwing, by the way, notoriously came under the protective wing of the CIA as an "anti-communist" spy and was resettled to California where he lived quietly until 1982, eluding belated Justice Department attempts to prosecute him as a war criminal.)
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By Lake Michigan w/Chicago skyline. |
Trump loves to rag on Chicago - political home of the man on whom he obsesses, former President Barack Obama. It's raw meat to Trump's MAGA base, along with is snide misogyny and nativism.
Surely, the Windy City's problems - though often exaggerated - are no secret: crime (which actually has trended downward), gun violence, corruption, de facto segregation, police-community relations, economic inequality ... But life for the Second City's 2.7 million inhabitants isn't much like its detractors would have you believe. Chicagoans, as Midwesterners, aren't prone to boosterism. But this city is great. It is an international city, a global hub, a birthplace of ideas, discoveries, trends and movements that have spread around the world. On the individual level, it is lively and surprisingly well-run, from my perspective as a lifetime denizen of big cities on both coasts. It has a fabulous history that is part of the country's fabric.
It's no exaggeration to say that Chicago is still Sandburg's "city of big shoulders," a city of artists, musicians, of theater and symphony, jazz and blues, of great universities, of scholars and scientists, of disparate characters, legends and stories, of soaring innovation and architecture standing tall by its great lake. Most of all it is not a melting pot, but a creative confluence of cultures from everywhere, of immigrants from all over America and the world that may not always get along smoothly, but have always added to, never diminished, the city's greatness. Trump and his cronies hate on us most of all because of our style and accomplishments.
What has this to do with writing? A lot. Her memorable, Chicago, American Writers' Museum exhibit, My America: Immigrant and Refugee Writers Today, portrayed the best of us. It was lively, illuminating and relevant. The exhibit celebrated the vibrant works of immigrant and refugee writers, and stimulated conversations on the culture and issues they bring to light, artistically, socially, psychologically and politically.
The My America: Immigrant and Refugee Writers Today exhibit and related program series of modern immigrant and refugee writing in America on our culture, history, and daily lives. The curating team includes friend and colleague, poet, novelist and blogger Dipika Mukherjee (one of our Authors Electric past members and fellow contributing writer for Chicago Quarterly Review.), along with Marie Arana, Ilan Stavans, Vu Hoang Tran, Chris Abani, Laila Halaby, and special advisor Viet Thanh Nguyen. The AWM has also put together a reading list of outstanding works by these writers to accompany the ongoing exhibit.
The AWM My America exhibit featured Chicago, Latinx poet, novelist and De Paul University professor Erika L. Sánchez. A New York Times reviewer called her poetry "wrenching explorations of guilt and shame, grief and misogyny." Her debut, young adult novel, I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter (October 2017), is a New York Times Bestseller and National Book Award finalist. Chicago's renowned Steppenwolf Theatre Company performed an adaptation of the novel in 2020.
Sánchez grew up in the Latino, working-class town of Cicero, Illinois where she was born, just outside of Chicago. Her parents came to the United States without papers in 1978, guided by a coyote through the Baja California desert, and riding in the trunk of a Cadillac to bypass Border Patrol. “There was just a lot of danger lurking.” Growing up, she says that she felt the fear and pain of this experience, even though not hers directly. “We often inherit trauma from our parents or from generations, consciously or unconsciously," she says. "And the way I’ve dealt with that trauma is by writing about it…it’s something that I think about a lot: how can I transform some of that suffering, some of that trauma into art, into healing?”
“I love to read and I grew up fairly poor and I spent a lot of time by myself. One of the ways I looked for solace was through books. And so I lost myself in these worlds and I became really enchanted by these far-flung places and I wanted to see the world and I wanted to write stories.”
I can relate to what she also had to say about multilingualism - a familiar part of growing up for children of immigrants - having grown up in a tri-lingual household (Italian, Spanish, and English) myself. “I feel very blessed to be bilingual. I grew up with two very different languages at my disposal, which made my life much more rich and interesting. And having access to such a vast vocabulary has been so instrumental as a writer. I can draw upon so much. And I feel like both languages are beautiful in their own way…Spanish is such an important part of how I see the world and how I process everything, essentially, that it’s hard to separate that from anything else. For me, both English and Spanish are just intertwined.”
She adds, on being an American child of immigrants: “[An American] is someone who lives here and belongs here, in whatever that capacity means for that person. I don’t think there’s just one definition of being an American. We all have different ways that we manifest that identity. But for me, I realize that as a citizen I do have a world of privileges that other people don’t. But I don’t think that is a requirement to be American.”
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On Morse Avenue, near the L-station |
It's not enough that America's gun fanatics and firearms industry's corruption of our politics have made mass assassination an everyday threat to our school children. Now kids - at least from our many urban, mixed-race, immigrant-attended school children have been made the federally sanctioned prey of neo-fascist Donald Trump's immigration gestapo, tasked with sweeping up kids who don't "look American" and may not be carrying proper ID.
There is no such thing as "racial purity." No such thing as Aryan blood, we all know. Real racial justice and equality may remain more aspirational than a real, but - to paraphrase Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - the arc of the racial multiverse is long, but it bends towards diversity.
Diversity is a hallmark of the new working class - whose meme isn't just Lunch-pail Larry anymore. Think of the current pandemic of white nationalism as the final phase of a retrovirus that blinds its victims and renders them insane. While anyone can be susceptible, growing numbers develop resistance. Trump continues unchecked in his mad power but has never had majority support. The coronavirus isn't the only global pandemic. The right-wing virus of racist and misogynist authoritarianism preceded it. Time to wash our hands of it.
We keep hoping that Trump will blow away like his grotesque yellow comb-over in a windstorm. Good luck with that.
We are the city, and the city is made of us. We are America.
Umberto Tosi is the author of Sometimes Ridiculous, Ophelia Rising, Milagro on 34th Street and Our Own Kind. His short stories have been published in Catamaran Literary Reader and Chicago Quarterly Review where he is a contributing editor. He was contributing writer to Forbes, covering the Silicon Valley 1995-2004. Prior to that, he was an editor and staff writer for the Los Angeles Times and its Sunday magazine, West. He was also the editor of San Francisco Magazine. He has written more than 300 articles for newspapers and magazines, online and in print. He joined Authors Electric in May 2015 and has contributed to several of its anthologies, including Another Flash in the Pen and One More Flash in the Pen. He has four adult children. He resides in Chicago. (He can be contacted at
I was really interested to read about the work of ERIKA L. SANCHEZ. She is promoting the idea that by writing you can transform some part of 'suffering..into healing'. This is something I do agree with, that an appreciation of 'art' can help to make us better people which I have hoped to convey in my teaching and writing over the years.
Thanks for ending on an optimistic note. Yes I agree that you don't need to be made 'great again'. American literature is one such example. I do hope America will survive this challenge to those deep and human values which are enshrined in its output of novels, of drama, and of poetry.
All best from Peter