The Best Laid Plans :Misha Herwin

 Take two. If this blog came up blank put it down to the best laid plans going wrong yet again. 

Last month, for the first time since I started posting on this blog, I missed my spot. We were in the middle of a somewhat stressful house move when we didn't know whether we'd sold our house till the removal men were loading the van.

Due to the buyers insistence that we move a week earlier than we wanted we were also effectively homeless, though thanks to my son and daughter-in-love we did have somewhere to stay until we could move into our new home in Somerset. 

Now that we're here and some of our 79 boxes have been unpacked my office was set up and this afternoon I thought I was ready to go. Not so. Switched on the PC displayed not even the blue screen of death but the Megaton message of despair. I was to press F1 to restart the machine, but the computer had frozen and no pressing was possible. 

Back in Stoke I would know who to call. Here I need to find a computer person to sort me out. In the meantime I'm doing my sorry best on this laptop, hence the lack of pictures and at least one abortive posting on the wrong day. 

Hopefully by next month normal service will be resumed. 

Wish me luck. 

PS Current WIP is fortunately safe on this laptop. As for the rest. Fingers crossed it's all on the external hard drive. 


Peter Leyland said…
Good luck Misha. Our children are so important in this age of unknowables aren't they? My daughter came to my rescue last month with the installation of a new computer system which also gave us some wonderful time together. Thank goodness you made it to Somerset despite all the difficulties. From experience it is a nice place and I hope that you can find that computer person to help you solve the problem.