Boo! Dogs that go bump in the night ... - Karen Bush

From ghosties and ghoulies and long leggerty beasties,
And things that go bump in the night,
Good Lord, deliver us ...

Yes, the witching season is upon us once again this month!
If you're looking for something both seasonal and canine,
might I recommend Haunting Hounds?
Although I don't normally make a habit of plugging my books
here in such an in-your-face manner, I will make an exception for this one,
as it's in aid of a really good cause: 
50% of all royalties are going to Scruples Whippet Rescue, which does a wonderful job of rescuing and helping to find new homes for whippets in need.
It was really good fun to write; and although it's a little bit tongue in
cheek in places, there are a couple of stories that really gave me goosebumps
when researching them, such as the tale of the Newgate Black Dog
and that of fighter pilot Guy Gibson's Labrador who became the mascot
for the Dam Busters squadron.   

As well as over 150 short but tall tales of ghostly dogs there are some wonderful illustrations by my friend, illustrator Claire Colvin. 

Go on, buy it, you know you want to.

(And you can also join in the fun on Facebook throughout October in the run-up to Halloween, and find out more about the book and read an excerpt on the webpage at Haunting Hounds)  

Haunting Hounds


Chris Longmuir said…
This is the most enticing 'buy my book' post I've ever read. Great stuff, Karen. You really convinced me to buy it, but when I checked Amazon, they kindly told me I'd bought it in February! I really must get to terms with that TBR list lurking inside my Kindle! So, instead of convincing me to buy it, you've convinced me I really must put some time aside to read it. Anyone got any extra hours they don't need? Throw them my way.
madwippitt said…
Thanks Chris! Hope you enjoy it when you get read to reading it - although can't help you with the extra hours I'm afraid! Too busy putting together photos, jokes and other stuff for the Facebook page for the book where a Halloween countdown is going on ... :-)

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