Writing and Social Media by Wendy H. Jones

          As a writer I spend a lot of time on social media, and I mean a lot of time. It is amazing how this displacement activity can turn into hours rather than minutes. However, as a writer, social media is also a necessity to reach out to readers. So, an important part of a writer's life. I am on all the usual ones such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and Instagram. However, one thing I have done is sign up with my writer name to as many social media sites as I can. This means that should I ever want to use them, my name is available. They just sit there in cyberspace waiting for me to engage one day.

One such site was Wordeo. I had little to do with this but decided to give it a go. It is an app which turns your words into images. Yesterday I decided to do this and within seconds I had a little video which I could share. The images come from Getty Images, but you can also tweak the clips with your own images and others from Getty Images. You then add music from a fairly strong list. You can also add your own music. This did not take very long either. Here is the link if you would like to take a look at the one I have done about my book blurb.

Killer's Countdown Wordeo

This is such a simple little app and I am sorry I did not explore it earlier. There don't appear to be many people on Wordeo at the moment but this is not an issue as it links seamlessly with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I would say this is definitely a worthwhile app for authors and, used in the right way, a great tool to have in your promotional arsenal.

That's it from me today but I look forward to meeting you all back here next month.


Chris Longmuir said…
That looks good Wendy, I must explore Wordeo, and the video is very effective.
Chris Longmuir said…
Should have asked, are there copyright issues if you use Getty images?
Wendy H. Jones said…
Hi Chris. There are no copyright issues as Wordeo has an exclusive contract with them for the images to be used in the videos.
Lydia Bennet said…
thanks Wendy, this is one that had passed me by, will give it a go. Very useful info.
Susan Price said…
That's a great litte video, Wendy. Thanks for telling us about this.

I was having a look at the site - can you only access and use it through a phone? I'd prefer to work with my laptop or desktop.
Susan Price said…
And just to add - this blog has been added to our 'How-To' page, so you'll always be able to find it quickly from there. Or use our search box at top right.
JO said…
Good for you, if you can manage with way social media sucks at time! I find I weary of it, and want my life back!
Wendy H. Jones said…
Glad you found it useful. It's certainly easy to use
Wendy H. Jones said…
I've only tried it out n my phone and iPad. I will have to do no estivate if you can use it otherwise
Wendy H. Jones said…
We are all different deferent Jo. That's the beauty of social media we can use it in the ways which suit us best. I appreciate where you're coming from as it is time consuming
glitter noir said…
Well done, Wendy. Will definitely give this a go.
Wendy H. Jones said…
Glad you found it useful Reb
Dennis Hamley said…
Wendy, that's brilliant. I shall force myself to have a go.
Wendy H. Jones said…
Go for it Dennis. If nothing else you'll have fun
Fran B said…
Love the video. Will give this a go. Thanks for tip, Wendy
Wendy H. Jones said…
Glad you liked it Fran and found it helpful