A Writer's Christmas by Wendy H. Jones

I'll be honest and say I was struggling to know what to write about for this blog. I thought of several ideas and dismissed them again, hence the reason this blog is coming to you late in the day. I must admit to having borrowed the idea for this blog from someone else but I promise none of the ideas are borrowed from that blog. I deliberately did not read that one until I had written this one. I cannot remember who the original creator was but I am indebted to them and I would like to thank them from the bottom of my heart. So, what to give the writer in your life for Christmas?

The number one present has got to be books, books and more books. Writers have got to be the biggest readers in the world as it is difficult to be a writer without first being a reader. wondering what type of books they read? Try looking at what they write - I can guarantee you they will read in that genre. Of course, you could try using the boundaries and buy them a bookseller recommends book as I know I have had some fabulous reads that way, books which I would never have chosen myself but which have expanded my reading world. Non-fiction books are also good. How about the following which, as it happens, is on my list to Santa.

This is the latest in the Writers Thesaurus Series from Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi. The entire series is fabulous and if you are worried they may already have this, it has only been out six weeks so you should be safe.

Notebooks are also a fabulous gift for any writer - the more beautiful it is the better. Yes, your writer friend may already have 600 notebooks, all of which are too beautiful to write in, but that is not the point. More notebooks are always wanted and needed and any serious writer will drool at the prospect of another one. A vist to Paperchase will be a rich minefield of notebooks and, heck, even Poundland have some beautiful notebooks if money is tight.

If you love a writer's books and receive any for Christmas then reviewing that book is a fantastic present for any writer. Reviews are important and taking the time to do one means a lot to an author. They really do appreciate it.

If money is no object then booking them in for a writing retreat will get you so many brownie points they will carry your through to next Christmas. Or you could buy them an online writing or marketing course, or even a membership to an academy for a year.

Pledging to give them time to write each day for the year is always something which is appreciated. Maybe you could,t take the kids out one day a week to give them peace and quiet. Write out vouchers that they can cash in throughout the year.

If you are really struggling then let me go back to my first suggestion, you could always buy them a book.

Whatever you decide, I hope you have a fantastic Christmas. I wish you a merry Christmas and a safe and healthy new year.

About the Author

Wendy H. Jones is an award-winning, international best-selling author who writes adult crime books, young adult mysteries, children's picture books and non-fiction books for writers. She is also a writing and marketing coach, runs the Writing Matters Online School and is the CEO of Authorpreneur Accelerator Academy, The president of the Scottish Association of Writers and hosts The Writing and Marketing Show podcast. She is currently writing a series of historical fiction novels based around the life of a 19th Century Surgeon in the Royal Navy.


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Peter Leyland said…
I agree about books Wendy. Notebooks I love and it is whispered that Paul McCartney's lyrics are on their way to me! Happy Xmas
Reb MacRath said…
Great ideas, Wendy. I'm all for the notebooks!
Ruth Leigh said…
I think every writer reading this is making "mmmm" noises and hoping that their nearest and dearest have read this blog