Vote for Me - a poem for the election - Sarah Nicholson
As it is the day of the general election in the UK. I've written a lighthearted poem of outlandish promises candidates might claim they will deliver if elected.
It is complete nonsense, any policies I've included are completely spurious and any resemblance to actual politicians is completely unintentional.
Here are your five candidates - who would you vote for?
Vote for me, vote for me
I promise chocolate cake for tea,
Overflowing lemonade
All is free, expenses paid.
Vote for me and you will see
The future’s bright
We’ve got it made.
“Cast your vote for me” she says
“Just put a cross beside my name
Not all the parties are the same
We all find scapegoats we can blame.
My policies? Oh, this and that
Tax cuts pulled out of my magic hat
How could you not vote for that?”
A vote for me will save the world
I’ll make the sun shine every day*
(*Except for Christmas - we’ll have snow)
The world will be a happy place
Here, have a sticker, with a smiley face. 😊
The other lot don’t have a clue
Only I’ll be steadfast, strong and true.
My plans are costed to the penny
I’ll work for one, for all, for many.
I’ll be alert from dusk til dawn
And give everyone a unicorn.
Don’t judge me on my past discretions,
misdemeanours and great gaffs
I’ve tuned a leaf, learned my lesson
I’ll hold my surgery in the local caff.
I’ll listen with such great compassion
Nod my head, look straight at you,
As I address your woes and worries
Take on board your point of view.
I’ll be your mate, man of the people
I’ll impress you with my earthiness
Don’t judge me on my past discretions
Vote for me, I’ll sort the mess.