The Good the Bad and the Ugly
The London Library
The London Library stacks |
As the Beatles once crooned ‘there are places I’ll remember’
and for me, number 2 in the places I love in the world (the first being the Che
Guevara Mausoleum in Santa Clara) is the London Library. This is what a library
should be. When I became a member you
still had to have references to join – now they let anyone in who will
pay. It was, and still is to some degree
I’m sure, like a gentleman’s club. But open not primarily to gentlemen but to
bibliophiles. It has large wooden desks,
huge leather chairs, a cataloguing system which is unique, baffling and frankly
inexplicable (that may have changed now as they may have digitised everything)
but this in itself gave the place another charm AND meant that you had the
excuse to hide in the stacks ‘browsing’ which is what I love to do. Don’t get
me wrong, I’m a huge fan of the Dewey Decimal system and of knowing exactly
what book you are looking for, but there is another pleasure in just roaming
the stacks looking through ‘subject’ matter and finding all kinds of things
you’d never heard of. For the last
several years I was in London I nearly lived in the London Library when I
wasn’t working or at the theatre. It is
the only thing I regret about not living in London. I couldn’t live in London
any more than I could live on the moon, but I could live in the London Library.
As long as I never had to go out. And I would die happy. And more
The London Library is probably very different now than it
was in the 1990’s and like all such experiences in life, I wouldn’t want to go
back and see that change. But I still rate it as one of the all time great
places to be, and my favourite library of all time. I am jealous of anyone who is still a member.
Especially now they have online access. Online libraries is something I’ll talk
about another time but the combination of the ‘live’ and the ‘online’ London
Library is my idea of perfection in books.
Lots of famous people have been members of the London
Library. And lots who are not and never will be famous. But like an alma mater,
I’m sure we all share one thing – a deep and profound love and respect for this
most wonderful and enlightening of libraries.
The British Library
The 'old' British Library Reading Room.
Nice roof, shame about the rest of it. |
By contrast the British Library is one of my personal
greatest disappointments. I had seen the domed reading room. I knew of all the
greats (am I allowed to consider Marx a ‘great’) who had spent time there and
for years I was desperate to get myself a readers ticket. The day I achieved
this I really thought I’d ‘made it’. I
should have quit while I was ahead. So
what was wrong with the British Library reading room? I couldn’t work there. The noise of all the
silence reverberating round was bad enough. But the ‘organisation’ of it was
more than I could bear. First having to
go through some form of US passport control before you got in there, where I
felt like they were not just going to go through my bags but check my
fingernails were clean (they rarely are) before allowing me into the hallowed
portals was just the beginning of it.
Once there, I could not get my head round the system that meant you had
to ‘ask’ for books to be delivered to your desk. You could ‘wait’ or nominate a desk for them
to be sent to. The inherent problems
here 1) you might have to wait for hours for the book you wanted – of course I
could have brought another book in with me to work from – but why would I bring
books into the Reading Room when I’d gone there to read books that were in
it! or 2) if you left your place then you’d
have to go back and ‘lurk’ round the spot because inevitably someone else was
sitting working there by the time your books were delivered. And I didn’t like sitting there when someone
else was lurking behind me waiting for their books to come to the desk I was
sitting at. I don’t think libraries
should be like Musical Chairs. I just
didn’t like it.
‘Feart o’ the Library’
Bus stop. Less appealling than
a library! |
This post is about how I love libraries. So how can I write
about the ‘ugly’ in a library. Well, unfortunately I can. I’ve done it in my
collection ‘It Wisnae Me.’ It’s a true
story of what happened to me (spoiler alert we are talking flashers here) at
the Children’s Library in Edinburgh in the 1970’s. If you want to know more you’ll have to read
it yourself. I’ve written enough now.
Next month, I shall be writing about the Academic Libraries I have
Jan... haven't they renamed them all 'learning centres' or sommat? Though sounds like not too much learning. I get onto University libraries in a later 'part' of this journey. I'm right with you on the iniquity of 'dumbing down' libraries though. When I visit the Uni library I try to go at times students are either asleep or in the pub. When I go to local libraries I try to avoid times that small children are running around weilding picture books. And I get in/out of local libraries like some well perfected guerrilla activity. They have my books lined up, I throw in the old ones, they stamp the new ones (don't even have to show my card!) and off I go (usually to the fish shop!)
It may be very different now (Dan would know!!)