Authors Electric Cook the Books

Cooking the Books - cover art work by Andrew Price

 Our regular blogger for today, Pam Howes, can't blog today - and while we all wish Pam well, it does give us a chance to announce the new Authors Electric anthology, Cooking the Books.
Go into any bookshop - go to Amazon - and what do you find? - Nigella, Jamie, Nigel, Louise, Gordon, Delia…

So, in self-defence, the Authors Electric decided to produce a cook book.
Gathered together here, on these electronic pages, you will find tasty treats and unusual eats from seventeen of the Authors Electric - and Cally Phillips donated a photograph of her hot-plate for the cover. (and Susan Price bribed her brother with cake and cider so he would design the cover.)
Valerie Laws wrote the words for the Amazon page: -
              Eating your words, devouring a book, writing and food go together like fiction and chips. Here’s a chance to cook from our books with e-readable recipes, or just get the not-so-skinny on what keeps authors stoked while they scribble: some of it yummy, some of it funny. An ebook to binge or snack on, where the calories are certified virtual. Dig in!

          Liz, Kathleen, Jan, Jo, Karen, Ann, Bill, Lyne, Sandra, Ruby, Julia, Die, Chris, Nick and Dennis all stirred in articles, extracts, recipes until we have a confection for everyone who loves reading and eating, or cooking and writing.  It's a book made for reading in short snatches on the train or bus or during a coffee-break.

      It'll be available very soon - and we're offering it at as low as price as Amazon allows. We hope you enjoy it!


JO said…
Love the reading, writing, and eating bits. So this will be fab!!
Lydia Bennet said…
I like the orange cover, nicely retro yet electrical! no doubt it's cos we're hot! Look forward to seeing the whole thing put together - I doubt many will try my skull-rotting recipe but you never know!
Susan Price said…
You'll start a whole new craze, Valerie! - Our skulls won't be safe in their beds.

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