Same old, same old - Karen Bush

It was a dark and stormy night when I sat down to write this blog post. I hoped that it might help to inspire me, but several hours later I still hadn’t got the foggiest idea and was still racking my brains for something to write about. As we all know, the only good cliché is a dead cliché and I had really hoped to avoid trotting out the same old trite and hackneyed phrases about the same old topics, but to be honest, new and original insights are my Achilles’ heel: what I’m good at is putting a new spin on things, at finding a different angle, rather than generating something genuinely innovative …

The thunder outside had finally stopped and it was now raining cats and dogs, but I was still no closer to my goal: for the life of me I couldn’t think of anything and it looked as though I was going to have to pull an all-nighter to get my post written on time. But you live and learn, and in a flash I suddenly realised that the solution to my dilemma had been staring me in the face all the time. To make a long story short, it occurred to me that if it is true that there are only seven basic plots in literature, then surely some similar rationale applies to blogs? In which case I was doomed to failure, and it was pointless trying to think up something new: I should just play my cards right and stick to doing what I do best.  Unless of course, you know different?



Lee said…
Good fun. It makes me wonder if I ought to write an entire novel in clichés. Oh wait ... arrgh ... been there, done that.
Chris Longmuir said…
Loved your 'dark and stormy night'. What an original phrase. Wish I'd thought of it! Enjoyed the post, it made me grin.
Lydia Bennet said…
fun post Karen! :) made me happy as the day is long!
Nick Green said…
I was planning a post on cliches but you beat me to it! Even cliches aren't original these days...
Sandra Horn said…
Thanks for this.I'm grinning like a Cheshire cat now
Bill Kirton said…
Win-win situation, Karen. Talking the talk and walking the walk. Result!
Dennis Hamley said…
I think it worked!
madwippitt said…
Snap! :-) happy bunny now!
glitter noir said…
This is more fun than a barreling monkey. I haven't had such a good time since my second honeymoon...when I skipped out to play cards.

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