The AE Anthology - Karen Bush
I love short stories - bite-size confections, entire books distilled down into tiny, perfectly formed delicious delights ... looking along my shelves I suppose I shouldn't be so surprised to see just how many collections of short stories I have acquired over the years.
I still love anthologies, not just for the stories themselves, but because they are such a great way of broadening your reading, of sampling and discovering new authors - the wordy equivalent of a tasting menu if you like. So I'm very excited to be a part of one myself; the Authors Electric anthology - the first we have done, and with another to follow next year. I've had a sneak preview of it, and think I can safely say that you won't be disappointed. We're a pretty diverse bunch and this collection reflects that: it's a real smorgasbord and if you aren't familiar with some of our authors, its a great way of getting acquainted. This is us. It's what we do when we aren't blogging here (just in case you wondered). It's published this month, on 21st June and is also available for pre-order HERE (UK) and HERE (US)
We will be celebrating its publication (which coincides with our fourth anniversary of blogging) - with an online launch party on Midsummer's Day on our FB page - get your invite HERE - or if you forget simply stumble over to our FB page on the day - but do come and join us! Virtual nibbles and champagne will be supplied, but feel free to bring along your own - bring your pets, bring your friends or bring a druid: standing stones optional!
Thank you for all the brain-curdling work you've put into the Anthology - and as someone whose brain is curdling as I try to cope with it on CreateSpace, I can second your opinion that it is an excellent anthology. It's been a pleaasure to read it. The formatting, not so much...
I used to like to look at the "Contents" section first, the titles of the stories, the authors' names...the variety...
Thanks for all your hard work getting our own AE anthology ready, Karen!