Economy of words by Karen Bush

I don't get it.
I work on a computer.
I rarely use the printer because there is no need
for printed pages - it is all there on a screen,
whether it's my desk top, netbook or eReader.
So I have no idea where all this came from. *
Although I have a pretty good idea of where it is going ...

* Please post your theories in the comments box.
Do NOT post them to me, because
as you can see, my waste paper basket already runneth over.


Susan Price said…
Junk mail? There are some companies who send me catalogues weekly, I swear.
Umberto Tosi said…
Ha ha ha ha ha! Looks like my desk! :)
Fran B said…
I think I am on every database known to man. So much mail that I never open and junk straight away.