Belvedere Crescent by Misha Herwin

My new book “Belvedere Crescent” is out in February. At least that is the official publication date. In the meantime paperback copies have already arrived and obviously if anyone asks to buy one, I won’t be saying no.

So although the Kindle, Apple, Kobo etc. copies won’t be available until the middle of next month, if you want a copy from me you can have one. You can also pre-order. 

In the meantime, I am working hard on promoting the novel. I post on Facebook, Tweet every other day and blog, both here and on my own blog It’s all part and parcel of building up the buzz, but what I’d like to know is how effective are these strategies? 

Speaking personally, I find too many mentions by other writers of their new/forthcoming books, puts me off. I feel bombarded, pressured and yet unless you tell me what you have written how will I know?  Analysing my own behaviour I have to admit that in some cases, in spite of my initial reaction, I will end up downloading an eBook. The tactic however doesn’t seem to work with hard copies. 

Really successful writers appear not to go down this path of constant exposure. A few mentions of an upcoming “best seller” and that is that. No doubt their legions of fans have been eagerly awaiting the next book and that is enough to spur them into pre-ordering on Amazon. 

Not have reached the ranks of automatic best sellerdom, I’m still at the stage of trying to work out what works best. 

Reviews, I think, do matter and I’m very grateful to the book bloggers who are poised to post their review of “Belvedere Crescent” in February. It is, however, getting harder and harder to find bloggers with time in their schedules to review and this is where gently nudging family and friends comes in.  The trick here is how to request and remind without appearing to nag. This is a path that has to be very carefully negotiated. Too much is off putting, too little and people forget to do what they promised. In spite of their good intentions non-writers forget how important a review can be, how much it means to the writer. 

And so we come to the newsletter, which I’m still trying to grow. I know this is seen to be a good way of making contact, but as yet I’m not sure how many books I’ve sold this way. If any of you fellow writers, or readers have more ideas of how to go about marketing your work successfully, I’d love to know. In the meantime, if there is anyone who’d like to read and review a time slip novel aimed at the women’s fiction market, I’d be happy to send you an ARC. 


Bill Kirton said…
Congratulations on the book, Misha. But I share your pain? anxiety? bewilderment? about making its presence known. I have long accepted that I'm a writer but NOT a promotional or marketing person. It's a pleasure to find out that someone has read one of my books but I've given up trying to get anyone to buy them. Fortunately, the pleasure I get from having written them is undiminished.
Enid Richemont said…
I have always been traditionally published, but many of my out of print books have been converted to ebooks for the Kindle (KDP Select). At first I did all the publicity stuff - the free promotions KDP offers, plus posting on Twitter - but these things are so energy consuming and SO depressing when they don't produce results that I just stopped doing them. When I was first published, it was the publishers who organised all the publicity stuff, but that was a long time ago, and publishing has changed dramatically. Clara - what is a Beta Reader? I've never heard of it/them.
Debbie Bennett said…
Beta readers are generally the people who read drafts and tell you what does and doesn't work - where they got bored and skipped pages etc. Sometimes if you're lucky they'll catch typos too or come up with suggestions and they are generally readers who actively and avidly read in your genre. I only have one - a guy who emailed me way back in the when with a suggestion of where a future book might go. I grabbed him with both hands and he's been with me ever since (he lives a few hundred miles away - we'd never met before - but I've since taken him out to dinner a few times!). John will happily rip into my stuff and bat ideas around with me online until we find things that work. If you have beta readers, treasure them. They are worth their weight in gold!
Eden Baylee said…
Hi Misha, Congratulations on the book!

When I started writing full time 10 years ago, I tried all the social media stuff, but there really is nothing that will sell your books more than ...

writing more books, writing better books, and talking to readers (virtually or in real life) and sharing with them about things OTHER than books. No one wants to constantly be bombarded by a sales person - of any product , including books. I share of myself on my blog about many topics -- music, writing ideas, film, etc.

The hard sell never works.

Umberto Tosi said…
Congratulations on the new book! I'm with all the others here in terms of everything I've tried, advantages and frustrations (many of the latter). My strategy remains to keep writing and keep promoting best I can. It's the best revenge. Happy new year.