Distance and Desire - Jan Edwards

That being the case Peter
and I decided to go ahead with an online launch this weekend and retain our slot at the revised August date as a showcase.
Its no big deal given the enormity of what is happening around the world but after all of the work we put into these things I imagine most people are disapointed with missing something in the past few weeks. A holiday or a birthday or just some event where they meet people in general.
am not bothered by the logistics of lockdown in general. I quite like my own company
and only ever run out of time rather than things to do. There are books to write and books to read and an allotment to cultivate.
But missing the Stokercon weekend puts a different light on things. Choosing to be alone and being unable to connect are not the same thing. I will miss
the catching up with old friends that I only meet at these events; the making
of new friends as one inevitably does; the final putting of faces to names of
people we have chatted with on social media and the general hum of people
meeting people. As
with any literary event it’s the personal contact between writers and readers
that makes the difference. You can Zoom and Skype all you like but staring at a
screen with all of the disjointed strands of conversation that come from it is
nothing like standing in a crowded room, glass of wine in hand, and talking the
night away.
rumours that social distancing to be kept in place until vaccines are
developed, which could well be years rather than months, one wonders if such
events will ever be the same. Meanwhile we make do with online where social
distancing gives way to social networking. Passing on the word from one mouth
to another, one group to another, one country to another. I am really hoping that Stokercon will happen in
August and in the meantime I shall wave to friends over the miles through the
joys of technology.
But I can’t leave without telling
you what we were launching. Wearing both editorial and authorial hats with the
Alchemy Press we had four titles to be launched. The Alchemy Press Book of
Horrors #2 an anthology of horror
fiction with an emphasis on weird and strange rather than the graphic. We also
had Talking to Strangers and Other
Warnings collection by Tina Rath. Tina’s fiction
has appeared in just about everything for Woman's Realm to Pan Books of Horror.
We also has two folk horror novellas: Les Vacances by Phil Sloman and A Small Thing for Yolanda by Jan Edwards.
That’s it from me for April
2020. Keep well and keep safe and trust we shall again in May.
Lots of luck with your books, I do hope they do well. They look nicely shivery!