Top 10 Tips for Setting Up an Online Course

We are living in strange times, that's for sure. I know there are prolly many blog posts starting with those words at the moment so, despite my opening, I will not be focussing on COVID. Rather, the focus of my blog will focus on one way we can utilise our time whilst our freedom is restricted - setting up an online course.  If you are currently shuddering at the thought, shudder not and read on because I have 10 tips to get you started.

1. My first tip is that setting up a course is easier than you think. I put it off for years as I thought it would be brutally hard. I was wrong.  Yes, it takes time, but using the correct platform is easier than you think.

2. That takes me to tip number 2, choose your platform.  I use Teachable which is simplicity itself to use. They have videos to talk you through every stage of the process.  There is a free plan which has many limitations but is still good if you want to launch a course and test the waters, This allows you to get feedback from students and make tweaks to the course. Kajabi seems to be flavour of the month at the moment and has a lot of powerful tools.

3. This brings me on to cost. Free plans are good to try out your first course but do have limitations. If you want your course to continue, you need to use a paid plan. Look at the different plans on each, weighing up the benefits of what you can afford.

4. Topic - you may think the market is saturated in your niche, however, no one delivers it in quite the way you do. Therefore, your course is unique.

5. Plan how many modules you will provide and what resources will be contained in the modules. These can be as simple as a video, worksheet and transcript.  You can add more materials as you get feedback from students. 

6. Decide whether students will get lifetime access or limited access.  I went for lifetime access as I wanted the students to get value.

7. Make changes based on feedback from your first cohort of students. In teachable this is easily done.

8. Decide how much you will charge for your course. Advice says use a high price point as you will make more money from less students. I decide to go for a mid price point as I wanted to ensure it was not out of the range of people who might need it the most.

9. Set up a Facebook group to allow students to interact and support each other.

10. Take the bull by the horns and take up the challenge to start your course.  It’s easier than you think. Start 2021 with a different string to your entrepreneurial bow. 

I don’t regret starting my course which is called Start Marketing Your Book. Students are finding it useful and say their marketing efforts have grown exponentially. There is an accompanying book called, Marketing Matters and I’ve found students are buying that in addition to the course.  If you are an author, and would like to do the course, use the code AUTHORSELECTRIC20 for a 20% discount. 

Start Marketing Your Book

Author Bio

Wendy H. Jones is an international best-selling author who writes adult crime books, young adult mysteries, children's picture books and non-fiction books for writers. She is also a writing and marketing coach, runs the Writing Matters Online School, The president of the Scottish Association of Writers and hosts the writing and marketing show podcast. 


Umberto Tosi said…
Thanks for these excellent and encouraging ideas. I would never have ventured to try setting up a course, even though it seems to be a useful endeavor and powerful marketing tool. Happy holidays!

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