The End... Joy Kluver


Well, here we are, almost at the end of 2022. At the beginning of the year, I didn't know what to write. I decided to try something different, and finally, in October, I finished the first draft. It's probably been the hardest book to write so far and has ended up being the longest - 101.7k words. It's in need of a significant trim and I already have it down to just over 99k. About another 9k words to go! I had hoped it wouldn't have taken so long but I think I'm a slow writer.

Have I enjoyed writing it? Not much, until the summer when I introduced a new narrator, thanks to a chat I had with a fellow author. At that point, the story opened up and I could see a way forward. It's ended up quite different from the outline I wrote at the beginning of the year.

So, what's next? Clearly a lot more cutting and general polishing. It's only two weeks until the end of term and I want to try and get as much done as possible, before our current family of three expands to five again.

We'll see what the new year brings! 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Peter Leyland said…
That's a heartfelt and optimistic post Joy. Good luck with the next stages of your book and season's greetings too.
Joy Kluver said…
Thank Peter. It's certainly more optimistic than the one I wrote at the beginning of the year!