A New Year - and some resolutions - by Hywela Lyn

I hope you all had a very Happy Christmas and that 2012 will be good to you!

zwani.com myspace graphic commentsAnother year over and I have a confession to make.  I've had so much going on since Christmas, what with making arrangements to visit my family in Wales, which includes arranging for someone to feed my two horses , and making a last minute cake to take with us, and purchasing and wrapping gifts for my sister's Birthday on the 2nd -  not to mention trying to get two on-line interviews finished (I know, excuses, excuses) I almost forgot that it's my turn to post today.

So - I need to make some New Year Resolutions:

1.  To be more organised, to structure my day and not leave things until the last  minute!

2.  To not check email or Facebook until I've written or revised at least 2,000 words per day.

3.  To finish the third book in my trilogy by February and to start work on my NaNo with a view to self publishing it.

Only three, I hope I can keep them but No2 is going to be very difficult.  I'm always afraid I'll miss an important email, especially since I have a dear  on-line author friend in the States, who is in hospital at the moment and I'm relying on her sister's emails to keep me informed on how she is. 

How about you?  Are you making any New Year's resolutions?  If so, what are your chances of keeping them do you think?   (I hope your chances are better than mine!)



Very best with them! And you could always look at your inbox but only actually open your e-mail if it's from the person you're waiting to hear from - I'm sure that's permitted :)

My goal for 2012 is to forget about selling books entirely and take on projects that are challenging, fun, and push my writing places I haven't been before. I've no idea what I'll end up doing but I'm very much looking forward to it. There's a little bit about it at http://www.agnieszkasshoes.blogspot.com/2011/12/play.html

Rosalie Warren said…
Yes, very best of luck!

My main one is to get back to starting work at a fixed time (good and early!) every day. This has slipped a bit since my OH retired...

My second resolution is finish my proof-reading course and set up a web-based business as a proof-reader and copy editor.
Hywela Lyn said…
Hi dan and Rosalie

Best of luck to both of you with your resolutions. Apologies for not answering before = I went 'home' to Wales for the New Year and forgot to check when I came back, and just realsed I'd got some comments|!

Good idea Dan - I'll try to avoid the temptation to open anything except urgent emails until I've worked on my WIP. I'm pretty sure I wont' complete No 1 by my tarket datge, but at least I am progressing with it!

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