Advice to the Lovelorn and Lonely - by Susan Price
Advice to the lonely or lovelorn often says, ‘Get a dog.’ Reguarly walking the beast means they make daily
circuits through the park or across the common, where they meet other people and
dogs doing the same thing.
People who would never otherwise speak to a stranger will
stop to pat a dog, while other dog-walkers recognise another dog-lover. They nod, smile, say hello, ask about your
dog – and tell you about theirs. If the
dogs are friendly, you walk on together – and part with a wave and, ‘See you
tomorrow!’ A new friendship has begun.
I would suggest that, as an alternative, which doesn’t need
walking in cold, wet weather, or taking to the vet’s, you get a kindle. It won’t guard your house, or fetch sticks,
but, much like dogs, kindles seem to attract admirers wherever they go.
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Kindles are loved even by Alsations! |
I am not usually sought out by people eager to talk. My mother was, and she was not entirely happy
about it, often complaining that in bus-stops and queues people would turn to
her, and pour out their troubles. “Why
me?” she would ask. “Do I send out a ‘come
and talk to me’ signal?”
If I send out a signal, it’s, ‘Go away!’ I am seldom troubled by people who just want to
talk. Yet, since I bought my kindle, I
increasingly find myself talking to strangers.
The kindle’s allure defeats my naturally forbidding aspect.
Perhaps the students at the University where I worked don’t
count, as they’d come to my office especially to talk to me – but seeing my
kindle lying on my desk, they’d exclaim, “Ooh, is that one of those reader
things?” And then they’d ask how much it
cost, and was it easy to use? Could you
make notes on it? (Yes, you can: you can
‘bookmark’ places in a text and quickly jump to them. And reading footnotes is much easier than in
a paper book – you jump to them, and jump back to where you were reading, and
never lose your place.)
But it isn’t just students.
I was waiting for a friend in a café, reading my kindle. A waitress clearing
cups from a nearby table, said, “Oh, is that a kindle? How much is it? How do you use it?” So I showed her. “Oh, that’s clever. Only, my boys don’t read. I was thinking, if I got ‘em something like
that, they might read, ‘cos they love gadgets.
Can you get children’s books on it?”
Yes, you can, and more and more will be available in the
I was at the hairdresser’s, reading my kindle while waiting
for the stylist. When he came, instead
of saying, “Is it your day o-off?” or, “Going anywhere ni-i-ce?” he said, “Ooh, is
that one of them kindle thingies?” Which
made a nice change. “How do you use
it? Is it easy to download stuff? Only my nanna, right, she loves reading. Always got a book on the go. I’d like to get her one of them.”
I was reading my kindle in a very posh pub, while waiting
for my agent. Enter an elderly retired
colonel type in grey slacks and navy blazer, with his wife. As they passed me, he said, in a carrying whisper,
“That lady has one of those new electronic reading gadgets.”
The whisper was so loud – so unwhisper-like – that I
wondered if I was supposed to ‘overhear’ and say, ‘Oh, do you want to have a
look at it?’ I was hesitating about whether
to say it when my agent arrived, so the colonel remained unenlightened.
The kindle has become such an ordinary part of my life, that
I’m always taken aback when people greet it with such delight, want to pat it
and see it perform its tricks. But to
many it still seems to be well, an unopened book.
So, if you want to talk to people, get a kindle and read it
in public. Then you can happily
demonstrate it to the curious who will flock to your side, and you will learn
much about their families’ reading habits.
You can talk about the books you have loaded on it, the books you
intend to load on it, and the books you might load on it if a good case is made for them. The hours will fly
And if you hit a bad patch, and no one comes to talk to you –
well you’ll have a bookcase of good books to read in your hand.
(And since originally scheduling this post, I showed a kindle sceptic I met in a sunny pub garden how mine worked, and watched his eyes light up as I changed the print size and showed him the 87 titles I have on mine, and how it could be read despite the bright sunlight. I think that's another kindle sold...)
Susan Price is the award winning writer of the Ghost World trilogy, Ghost Drum, Ghost Song and Ghost Dance.
She blogs here
And her website, with much more information about her books, is here.
And it's the one downside of Kobo Touch that I've found - even a fly landing on it can turn a page. And if you have to swipe a dog hair off the screen (as I frequently do, you also end up on a different page) Dogs and paperback books are BEST but ereaders are useful tools for when you need them. But yes, anyone who lavishes as much love on an ereader as a dog probably needs dog therapy!
"Don't think it would do anything for me," he said.
This, just to rebut the impression that kindle's are only for reading porn! In another part of the pub,dear reader, I was reading, on my kindle, 'Wolf Hsll.' And being wowed by it. (Except when eavesdropping, obviously.)