Independence and what it means... by Cally Phillips
We all know it’s American Independence Day today. I’m not an
American. I’m a Scot. And an indie writer – so I want to look at ‘independence’
from a number of angles today.
Firstly let me consider what I think independence means to
Americans? The 4th of July. Flags. Day off work. Fireworks. Is that
it? Getting rid of the British by throwing tea into the river or some such. I’m
not up on American history (they’re not old enough to have a history right?) or
even American culture (though I could sing all the way through the Star
Spangled Banner – but I hate the ending, I’m sure it should be the land of
brave and the home of the free. It just sounds so much better.) Despite my
ignorance of things American, I am, as of this month, the holder of a US TAX
number. Thanks Amazon. It’s something that makes me feel quite sick actually. I
don’t want to have anything to do with the IRS, even though my number just
entitles me NOT to pay tax to them. A real live Catch-22. No tax number, you pay 30%, tax number you
pay zilch. It doesn’t comfort me that it’s not about me at all. Nothing
personal. Just business. It’s all to do with Amazon not paying tax in UK. It
doesn’t seem quite an equitable deal does it - I don’t pay US tax and Amazon
doesn’t pay UK tax- I think it’s obvious who has the better deal.
On another matter. I am an independent Scot. You might have
noticed we are engaged in our own independence debate at present but I don’t
want to go into this Politics thing. For
me it’s about as much of a turn off as business talk. I’d rather talk about
what being an independent Scot means to me.
And for me it’s tied up with freedom. Personal freedom.
I cite as my source one John Barbour a Scottish poet and the
first major named literary figure to write in Scots. His principal surviving
work is the historical verse romance, The Brus (The Bruce), and his reputation
from this poem is such that other long works in Scots which survive from the
period are sometimes thought to be by him. (He kicks Chaucer’s ass by the
way!) His dates are c1320-1395 and he’s
credited as Aberdeenshire or Galloway. That’s weird because I used to live in Galloway
and now live in Aberdeenshire. Hmm… anyway, he said:
‘Ah Freedom is a noble
thing’ (although when I read it at University I’m sure it was: Ah fredome is a noble thyng (which would
never have passed a decent editor/proof reader now would it?)
As someone who has on several occasions been an exiled Scot (no they didn’t throw me out) and has always been miserably unhappy whenever not living in Scotland, for me my Scottish independence, is everything to do with a sense of freedom in the environment around me and the language that I speak (if only in ma heid) as much as anything political. I feel free in Scotland. I feel that I belong in the rain, the wind, the cold. I am comfortable with soft rolls and Irn Bru (the only national drink for those like I who detest whisky) and butteries and pan drops and caramel wafers. With the language of blethers and havers and scunners. I have learned to live with having (put your own word in here, I can’t bear to) **** football and rugby teams. I like haggis (but I don’t like stovies). I love the skirl of the pipes and the strathspeys and reels and jigs of the fiddle. I’ve never managed to exchange my Presbyterian work ethic for existentialism or hedonism though I’m not religious in any way conventional or otherwise.
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Me.. being independent. In rural Scotland |
I feel the textures of the granite and
the sand and the haar deep, deep inside me. I feel at home in the mountains and
by lochs and in the glens and the braes. I’m a rural rather than an urban Scot
it’s true. But being Scottish just IS a
part of my basic identity. It may not
show so much on the surface but it is deep in my soul. I can trace (part) of my
family back to Culloden (we didn’t wear the red coats by the way and we was
robbed) and if I was ever inclined to kiss soil it would be Scottish soil I
kissed. The closest I’ve come to date is aged 14 when I collected peat samples
from the various Hebredian Islands I visited on holiday – I was taken on the
holiday by some nice Americans by the way! And I don’t still have the peat, I grew
out of being a ‘collector’. All in all, I
just love Scotland. It’s my country. It’s part of who I am. For me, being an
independent Scot is not open for debate, it’s simply a statement of what I
feel. It’s not rampant nationalism it’s just a deeply held belief that you
can’t be free unless you are independent.
I am Scottish, I want to be free and so I want to be independent. Being Scots is something that is important to
me on a fundamental level. I can’t do anything about it – Nelly, I am Scottish (to misquote Wuthering Heights!) and I don’t
want to. It’s me. Three words to describe me:
Scottish. Writer. Independent.
(others may pick a different three words!)
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Of course this is bringing me to the (or a) point of
relevance (I hope) to writers, and in our forum, specifically ebook
publication. There are long winded
debates (nearly as boring as Scottish independence ones) all over the place at
the moment about whether people are self/independent or just vanity
publishers. (What is it about the modern
world, people just love arguing – sorry voicing their opinions- all over the
place as if anyone cares?) I think we need to wake up and realise that the
world is a big place. That everyone can have their place in it. And that what
we call ourselves is maybe less important than what we ARE (and by extension
what we DO).
For me the simple thing is: if you publish work and you are
independent of any other commercial entity in the creation and publication of
this work, you are independent. If you can choose your content, your price,
your distribution platform and the like you are an independent publisher. I think that independence is very important
to writers as well. For a much lengthier diatribe on this issue click HERE.
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and this... |
Arguing over what we mean by a word or a name is much less
important to me (but seems to absorb a lot of peoples time and energy these
days) I know what I am. I’m a Scot (even though the voice oot ma heid may sound
English to some) And I am now an independent publisher – no one tells me what
to do and my reputation is in my own hands. I am also an ‘indie’ writer. I have
finally realised that I have always aspired to this status. In fact I realise that many of my ‘problems’ during a 20 year industry ‘career’
(for me the word career means running with abandon and out of control down a
hill and I cannot say my professional writing career has ever been that
exciting – there were far too many meetings and rewrites and disappointments
and arguments for that) were that I always considered myself ‘independent’ and
of course as soon as someone was paying me money to write I lost that
independence. I expected to be treated equally in an industry where the writer
(sometimes laughingly called ‘the talent’) is quite far down the food chain.
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I can't help myself, I even review independently! |
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current incarnation... |
But as an indie publisher I have the responsibility for
promoting writers I believe in (including myself) and I have the freedom to
choose what work I publish and in what format or across what platform I do this.
It’s not vanity. It’s not primarily about some debatable concept of the ‘self’.
It’s about independence. Freedom to make
choices and decisions. Freedom to embrace personal responsibility and live
up to my own personal and professional set
of standards. And I’m not ashamed of it. Being truly independent is something
I’ve aspired to my whole life and I’m happy to say, nearly 50 years in, largely achieved. I do appreciate the
importance of interdependence too (but I’m keeping clear of the ‘self’ debate
Independence is not just for Independence Day... or for
Happy Independence Day, folks.
Coming soon, something to get under your skin in a new way
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The Guerrilla Midgie is coming your way soon! |
Yes, that's what independence truly means - not how, but what we publish; the uniqueness of voice, vision, and understanding.
He read 3 different drafts of my first novel, giving me the public endorsement for it which I quote on my website:
"A blistering, tough book, tempered with tenderness and mystery"
He corresponded with me for years, sending me cash twice when he sold books to Jonathan Cape "here's some cash blood money" said the note...he read my short stories and tried to get me official funding for my work from the Scottish govt (failed)...he told me, before it was ever published and before I was invited to read it at the Edinbrugh International Book Festival, that many of the people who were getting funding for their work in Scotland could "never in their lives have written that story about the horses."
So yes, Mr Warner's a good man.
Heheh Jan...I remember Norman Mailer writing some piece of prose about his hatred of the Scottish bagpipes. I tried to learn the baby Scottish bagpipes trainer at school, the chanter, hurt ma mooth...but one day I was walking down a street playing SCOTS WA HAE on the thing, passed a man in a garden, who asked me to stop and play for him...then another kid told me this was the town Sherriff (yeah, we have them too)...
I was born in Glasgow and spent the first 2 years there...but both my parents were Highland rural crofting/farming Scots, that Highland lineage on both sides going back at age 2 I was taken north, first to live by Loch Ness for 2 years...then to a farm 4 miles from the site of the Battle of Culloden (1746) last land battle in Britain of course (but one that was just as much about Highland Scot vs.lowland Scot, as about Scots vs.English).
So I'm a Highland, rural Scot on that side...but also spent time (years) in some of the towns and cities...
Some kind of internationalism seemed to get into my head at a very young age though (5?) the films and literature of many different countries began to move me early on, perhaps more than the late-Scottish culture that surrounded me.
It could be that Outsider thing...not so much Camus' as Wilson's...
Conveniently, since my first dollar cheque arrived from Amazon by post yesterday, I still have my American social security number also, gained while labouring until unconsciousness in the Oklahoma sun long ago.
The Guerrilla midgie logo is apposite for many of us "independents", whatever the feather(!)
Though I suspect the only true independence is internal, not geographical or political.
In Scotland, the poets used to be called makaris...or makers...a "maker", doesn't that have all the ring of true independence?
:"Now get you to my lady's chamber, and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this favor she must come. So must we all!"
Lament for the Makers
I THAT in heill was and gladness
Am trublit now with great sickness
And feblit with infirmitie: --
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
Our plesance here is all vain glory,
This fals world is but transitory,
The flesh is bruckle, the Feynd is slee: --
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
The state of man does change and vary,
Now sound. now sick, now blyth, now sary,
Now dansand mirry, now like to die:
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
No state in Erd here standis sicker;
As with the wynd wavis the wicker
So wannis this world's vanitie: --
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
Unto the Death gods all Estatis,
Princis, Prelattis, and Potestatis,
Baith rich and poor of all degree:
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
He takis the knichtis in to the field
Enarmit under helm and scheild;
Victor he is at all mellie: --
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
That strong unmerciful tyrand
Takis, on the motheris breast sowkand,
The babe full of benignitie: --
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
He takis the campion in the stour,
The captain closit in the tour,
The lady in bour full of bewtie: --
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
He spairis no lord for his piscence
Na clerk for his intelligence;
His awful straik may no man flee. -
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
Art-magicianis and astrologic,
Rethoris, logicianis, and theologis,
Them helpis no conclusionis slee: -
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
In medecine the most practicianis,
Leechis, surrigianis and physicianis,
Themself from Death may nocht supplee: --
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
I see that makaris amang the lave
Playis is here their padyanis, syne gods to grave;
Sparit is nocht their facultie: --
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
He has done petuously devour
The noble Chaucer, of makaris flour,
The Monk of Bury, and Gower, all three: --
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
The good Sir Hew of Eglintoun,
Ettrick, Heriot, and Wintoun,
He has tane out of this cuntrie: --
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
That scorpion fell has done infeck
Maister John Clerk, and James Afflek,
Fra ballat-making and tragedie: --
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
Holland and Barbour he has berevit
Alas! that he not with us levit
Sir Mungo Lockart of the Lee: --
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
Clerk of Tranent eke he has tane,
That made the aventeris of Gawaine;
Sir Gilbert Hay endit has he: --
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
He has Blind Harry and Sandy Traill
Slain with his schour of mortal hail,
Quhilk Patrick Johnstoun might nocht flee: --
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
He has reft Mersar his endite
That did in luve so lively write,
So short, so quick, of sentence hie: --
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
He has tane Rowll of Aberdene,
And gentill Rowll of Cortorphine;
Two better fallowis did no man see:
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
In Dunfermline he has tane Broun
With Maister Robert Henrysoun;
Sir John the Ross enbrasit has he:
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
And he has now sane, last of a,
Good gentil Stobo and Quintin Shaw.
Of quhom all wichtis hes pitie: --
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
Good Maister Walter Kennedy
In point of Dedth lies verily;
Great ruth it were that so suld be:
Timor Mortis conturbat me
Sen he has all my brothers sane,
He will nocht let me live alane;
Of force I mon his next prey be: --
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
Since for the Death remeid is none,
Best is that we for Death dispone
After our death that live may we: -
Timor Mortis conturbat me.
William Dunbar (1460?-1520?)
And, for those who click HERE, that is a fully and brilliantly argued piece by Cally on both the strengths and dangers of independence.
Around the end of last year, I started reading Dean Wesley Smith's THINK LIKE A PUBLISHER articles on his website, and I can see the seeds of that same truly independent thinking germinating here...
A lot of this is "about language" (funnily enough!)
John - thanks for the poem. I've been trying to find it, but was confusing it with Tichbourne's Elegy, and so not finding it.
But I want that egalitarianism to extend to everyone. I want the Scots example to show others that 'a man's a man for a' that'. And if we vote for independence, we condemn the English to permanent Tory rule (and surely that's too cruel a fate, even for the English).
I suppose my feeling and need for independence includes a recognition that I mustn't seek or enjoy it at the expense of others - we all have a right to those freedoms. I'm grateful that my osmotic Scottishness lets me live in a place which values each individual. I'd be sorry if the politics of independence started replacing them with clones.
As to your main point - I couldn't agree more. We are what we do and writing is doing.
Hi John, That's a very impressive story about Warner. So a fine man as well as a fine writer. (I'm happy enough to take the latter, but it's nice to know that both can come together in one person.)
Nor iron bars a cage;
Minds innocent and quiet take
That for a hermitage.
If I have freedom in my love,
And in my soul am free,
Angels alone, that soar above,
Enjoy such liberty." I feel a bit conspiratorial enjoying all of your independent publications. Thank you for them. And I love the Scottish and Irish pipes.
Mind you this was going to be my big unanswerable why Chaucer is the greatest. Show me any of those miserable mediaeval Scots who have a single spark of his humour - and I'll set the Wife of Bath onto them
Jan. I'm sure it won't be the first time my effigy has been burned or pins stuck in dolls of me or the like. And probably not the last either! HA. I laugh in the face of a burning fae a sassanach!
And sadly I have to break the news to you that there is indeed a SSPCA. Which is indeed - as the name, Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (including Asses) implies - based in Scotland. :-)
Whether Chaucer's ass is kicked or not, I can't really say - but a Scot objecting to him on grounds of cruelty with red hot pokers?!? I was researching some Scots' history not long ago, and was deeply impressed with the non-stop savagery. The medieval English were no slouches at mayhem at murder (not least with redhot pokers and asses) - but the Scots never paused for breath. It wasn't safe to be alive up there.