Authors Electric Sparking at the Conference
Sunday September 16th, I took part in a short talk on e-books at the
Society of Authors’ Children’s Writers’ and Illustrators’ Group (CWIG) at their
conference in Reading. (And Dennis – it was good to see you in the audience!)
after a two hour drive, I made immediately for the Ladies’. While I was shut in
my cubicle, some other Ladies arrived, chatting together. It was very
full on, they said, but very interesting. ‘I enjoyed that talk about websites,’
said one. ‘I shall have to look them up. The one I liked was ‘Dreaming Authors…? Electrical Authors?’
shouted out, “That’s us! Authors
Electric! Do Authors Dream of Electric Books!”
from the sinks. I adjusted my clothing and emerged issuing business cards with
the blog’s address.
was my first clue that this was going to be a rather successful outing.
talk was scheduled for 9am, and my fellow speakers were Gillian McClure, the
writer and illustrator, and Martin West, of Authorization.
I was
first up, and read my talk from my Kindle.
Susan Price |
Price: I don’t need to tell the present company of the problems faced by writers
today – the collapse of the mid-list, the difficulty of getting a contract, and
falling advances and royalties as both the recession and large chain-stores
squeeze publishers.
three met here are going to talk about some of the possible answers: Gillian
set up her own publishing house; Martin ably aids and assists writers who want
to go it alone –
And I
am part of the outfit known as Authors Electric.
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Katherine Roberts |
electric light first glimmered in the eye long ago. I am a member of the
Scattered Authors Society, and I remember, 10 yrs ago, sitting in a sunny
garden at Charney Manor – where the Scattereds have their annual shindig –
talking to another member, Kath Roberts.
We talked about how the
music industry had been clobbered by the internet and downloads, and how
musicians were responding by learning to put their music on-line and sell it
themselves. We agreed that the same
thing would inevitably happen to the publishing industry, and that writers
would have to do the same as musicians – learn to go it alone
We talked about this
with others at the conference, then and later, but I’m afraid the blunt truth
is that, for years, Kath and I were twin Casssandras, wailing our prophecies of
doom while no one listened. The kind of
reply we got was ‘Oh, I don’t need to worry, I’ve got an agent,’ and ‘Writers
should write and publishers should publish.’
Yes, but for many of
us, publishers weren’t publishing, and they weren’t publicising.
And it wasn’t because
we weren’t good enough. [Coughs into hand: CarnegieMedal] (Laughter.)
We got rave rejections.
Everybody loved us but
the marketing department.
Kath and I looked into
possible ways of going it alone, but they were all, at the time, far too
expensive, with costs not only in producing the book itself, but in storing and
distributing it – which is, of course, what made the publishing firms the
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The Wolf Sisters by Susan Price |
And then this happened
to us. (Holds up Kindle.) Kath
emailed me: Have you seen this? When I
saw how easy Amazon made it to turn my backlist into e-books, for free – while
Amazon took care of storage and distribution – when I saw about the 70% royalty
- that electrical light positively
glared from my eye.
Kath then said:
publishing is the easy part. Letting
people know that your award-winning book is among the 2 million plus on Amazon
is a whole other game.
What we need, she said,
is a blog to help spread the word, and multi-blogs are both more interesting for
readers, and easier on writers, than
solo-blogs. We can get set one up
for nothing on Blogger.
And so we started what
we originally called ‘Kindle Authors UK’ but after a 4am call from Seattle, we
had to change that. For a world-bestriding Collosus, Amazon were quite nice
about it: they pointed out that ‘Kindle’ was their registered trade mark, and
we shouldn’t be using it, and that they didn’t want it to come to mean ‘any old
device for reading e-books’.
So we had to come up
with another name, and after some argument, we decided on ‘Do Authors Dream of
Electric Books?’ and called ourselves Authors Electric. Which is a better name anyway!
We aren’t publishers –
or, rather, we’re a loose affiliation of self-publishing authors. We offer
advice and moral support to each other as we tackle the challenges of putting
our books onto Kindle, Smashwords, Kobo, CreateSpace etc, We’re very supportive
of each other.
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The Ghost Wife by Susan Price |
But our purpose is to
publicise our books. Every day we put up
a new blog by one of our 29 members – and the days at the end of the month are
given to guest bloggers. There are links
to our individual websites, and to the Authors Electric website, which displays
our books in what we hope is an attractive and tempting manner.
We tweet too, and we
post on Facebook – and we talk at conferences and hand out business cards and
do all we can to draw attention to our group and our books.
We started in January
2011, with hits at zero; and our audience has risen steadily. At the start of August, we were getting
11,000 hits a month. Our American
audience is now equal to our UK one.
And we’re selling! Several of our members have said they would
be very reluctant to return to conventional publishing. They relish the freedom to write what they
like and choose their own cover.
Although people come
and go from the group there is a solid core group, and we’ve developed a great
community spirit. Members are constantly
spotting new avenues, coming up with new ideas, and pointing the others in the
same direction.
There’s no telling how
it may develop in the future – especially after I’ve listened to Gillian and
Martin – but I think, so far, we can count the venture a success.
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Gillian McClure |
Gillian McClure: The advantages of
running your own publishing company are not all financial.
You can create a brand – your own list.
You can have books coming out when there’s not much movement on
the picture book front.
You can have new
books and new workshops based on them for school visits
You can have new artwork which one day you can sell
You develop a much better understanding of the industry –
something I wish I had had earlier in my career
My initial reason for
starting Plaister Press in 2010 was a creative one rather than a business one.
In the first two decades
of my career in the 1970s and 80s, when I was with Andre Deutsch, I had
considerable freedom. I was allowed to be both writer and illustrator and I had
a lot of say over design. I was allowed to take risks too.
In the decades since
then, when small publishers like Andre Deutsch were being bought up by big
ones, I found myself becoming a smaller and smaller cog in a bigger and bigger
business and I became frustrated. I was having too many new picture
book projects, which had had considerable editorial input, fail at
the acquisitions stage or put indefinitely on hold.
So when a friend gave me
a sum of money to proceed with a book, I started my own publishing company.
The creative rewards
were great. I love the autonomy and control. I love working closely with
the typographic designer from the planning stages of a new book, deciding on
flaps, paper weight, spine width and so on.
I was never allowed to do this before
But proceeding with a
book means going way beyond an author/illustrator’s usual comfort zone if that
book is going to end up on a child’s bookcase. A business sense is needed. I
saw ahead of me a huge learning curve - dealing with :
Wholesalers &
distributers – Gardners and Bertrams
Bookkeeping – double of
everything because you’re still running your self-employed business alongside
all this.
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'Selkie' by Gillian McClure |
And leaving enough time
and space to create new books without losing the quality expected of you when
published the traditional way
So I cut my teeth on
reissuing Selkie which had:
a good sales record,
had been on the national curriculum under ‘myths & legends,’
had won an award
in the States,
and had good reviews.
I had all the
artwork for scanning except the UK cover, which was lost. Instead the US cover
was used.
Random House was
helpful when giving back the UK rights and even helped me get back the North
American rights, which were needed if the book was to be sold on Amazon. Random
House retained the typographic design rights but then I was working with a
typographer and we made improvements – a shorter reading line in places and
small edits.
My agent Stephanie
Thwaites at Curtis Brown was happy with what I was doing, seeing it all
as helping to raise my profile. (She’s still dealing on my behalf with Simon and
Schuster on a possible picture book series where all they want is the text.)
Stephanie had helped me
deal with Random House over the reverted Selkie rights and tried to do the same
with one of my out-of-print Bloomsbury books, but Bloomsbury decided to
bring it back into print themselves. It had just been bought by the
Chinese. This was a surprise and occurred shortly after I’d been to the
Bologna Book Fair and had been in a dialogue with a Chinese agent over my
Plaister Press books. Perhaps it was a coincidence – perhaps it wasn’t. Perhaps
every bit of activity creates a ripple somewhere else.
Another positive was
I discovered – to my surprise – I really liked selling and meeting in person my
type of customer during Waterstones’ signings: teachers, librarians,
grandparents and the sort of family so keen on physical books and bookshops
they start building up their unborn child’s library along with its layette.
The first edition of
Selkie sold out and I reprinted it.
So now to the drawbacks:
As time wore on I discovered the real drawback
was being so small when everything in the industry was geared for BIG:
Discounts were big
Costs were big
Print runs needed to be
Turnover and numbers of
titles needed to be big to interest any sales agent
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Plaister Press in the lay-by |
Even the lorry
delivering the books from Felixstowe docks to my house was big – too big to get
down my street. The driver phoned to say he would have to meet me in a layby on
the outskirts of Cambridge. I had a vision of 1,500 books left unguarded on a
palette in a lay-by on a damp autumn day as I made several journeys getting them
back to my house.
With physical books you
have physical problems.
So this is where I hand
over to Martin West - his organisation Authorizations has solutions to many of
these ‘big’ problems and can help when you are too small to proceed
beyond a certain point on your own.
Susan Price: I’m afraid here’s where
your reporter falls short – I don’t have notes on Martin West’s talk, but in short, Martin runs a
company which will help you take your book from manuscript to beautiful object
on sale in a book shop or on Amazon, among other places. He has answers to all those dilemmas: what
format size? What paper quality? Where to find a printer – how to set a price –
how to get it into shops…?
He is very friendly,
approachable, and honest about the costs and problems – I know, because I
talked to him over coffee. He is happy
for you to print a run of as few as 50 books, and recommends that you don’t
print more than 500.
And he has writers like
Gillian McClure and Bernard Ashley as clients.
for children’s publishers
Authorization! Ltd
Martin West
Well House, Green Lane,
Ardleigh, Essex CO7 7PD
T: 01206 233 333 M: 07970
For all rights enquiries
please contact Petula Chaplin
E:, T: 00 44 1647 252498
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Zoe's Boat by Gillian McClure |
the end of the talk – to my surprise – we had lots of questions, and something
of a mob pressing round the table, asking questions and taking cards. In fact,
the room had to be cleared because the next scheduled talk was waiting to
coffee I was approached by many people who said a similar thing in different
ways: You are showing us the way. You were the one bright spot in the whole
conference. Everything else has been doom and gloom – you’ve cheered me up!
writer said, “I’ve spent the whole weekend being told that the publishing
business is falling apart and there’s nothing I can do about it except stand
there and wait for the end – it was such a relief to hear someone say, ‘Look!
You can do this instead!’
despite the 5am start, I got home feeling pretty cheerful myself.
(And appalled that the bar ran out of supplies ...)