A SAD SCRIPT - by Susan Jane Smith B.Sc.

Susan Jane Smith, B.Sc.

          Sometimes people have a ‘life script’ that disables them.  An example might be a student who could not tell her tutors about some horrible problems that she was trying to deal with at home.  People seem to think that others will consider them weak when in fact it takes a lot of courage and inner strength to admit that you are struggling with any aspect of life.
       The benefit of counselling that I experienced personally and then witnessed hundreds of my clients experience (before I retired) was that once you do tell someone, the old saying tends to kick in “a problem shared is a problem halved”.  Now I agree, if you tell a friend or family member there is a possibility that they might “hold it against” you or tell your “secret” to another.
          That is where counselling/psychotherapy is so useful.  Talking to a professional who is not a part of your life and who is independent means that they are going to behave appropriately when you share your deepest, darkest thoughts and feelings.  Please go and check out all the information now available on the website of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.  The ‘talking therapy’ really does work and helps people change their lives.
Emotional Health For Emotional Wealth
          My book “Emotional Health for Emotional Wealth” might be a starting place as it gives some examples of how other people have found that telling a counsellor does not mean that you can be accused of “wanting to make trouble”. 
          You will get the opportunity to take a look at what you have said and think about a way to make changes.  There are hundreds of different professionals and hundreds of different methodologies so you do need to be a wise consumer.  Many professionals of this kind will offer an initial assessment meeting and some do so for free. 
          Go and visit several people and chose who you want to work with.  It needs to be someone you feel comfortable with and talking is work.  Expect to be a bit tired after some sessions.  The other major thing to say is that it is unrealistic to think you can just go once or twice and life will be joyous.  You are responsible for your quality of life and fundamentally the more effort you put into this the greater the impact.
          The cost is a better investment than spending that money on alcohol or a holiday.  This is you investing in your future and your quality of life.
          Please do take a look at my website as you can buy my books there without having to go onto something as public as Amazon.  You can also download a free app from my website so that you can read on your computer, phone or IPad.

          Do what it takes to make your life the best it can be – I’m an old lady now and know life is so short YOU deserve to make the most of it. 



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