
Drum roll please...

After months of planning, designing, drawing, scanning, you get the picture, my new website is now live. It's been designed to support my two collections of Anansi stories (volume one Amazon UK - Amazon US and volume two Amazon UK - Amazon US).

It's aimed at parents, guardians, teachers and after school organisers who wish to share my Anansi stories during story time then enjoy activities based on the stories afterwards. At the moment it contains exclusive FREE to download colouring sheets, finger puppets and puppets based on the many animal characters. Over the next few months I plan to add word searches, cross word puzzles, information sheets, quizzes and craft makes etc. 

So please do visit, download and enjoy. If you know anyone who might be interested in some free activities for the kids please do share my website details.   

Lynne Garner


Jan Needle said…
It looks fantastic! All tbe very best with it.
Lynne Garner said…
Jan - thanks. Now keeping fingers crossed it boosts sales.
glitter noir said…
I'll second Jan on that. The site's an inspiration, Lynne, and I'm sure it will work magic.
Lydia Bennet said…
Good luck with this Lynne, a vivid and entrancing site, and very generous to provide free activities for teachers and bairns. I'm sure it'll be a smash hit.
Dennis Hamley said…
What a super site, Lynne. And I second Val's praise for providing free materials. Once, years ago, I worked with the great Grace Hallworth, wonderful Caribbean storyteller and school librarian in Hertfordshire, who loved - and introduced me to - the Anansi stories.

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