And Now A Long-Distance Dedication from Lev Butts

Please don't hate me.
Dear Casey Kasem,

I was supposed to reveal the last two books in my "Lev's Top Ten" list this month, and I had every intention of doing so except that I was struck down this past weekend with what others have told me was the flu, but I am certain was some kind of mutant/zombie virus.

Seriously, I looked just like this
I fought bravely, and it was touch and go there for a little while (I was at one point reduced to eating an unholy mixture of canned chicken noodle and cream of chicken soup), but I pulled through.

Three days later.

Just in time to return to work.

As I write this, it is 11:38 PM on January 21, 2015, which means over there across the pond, it's roughly Oh-My-Frakking-God-It's-Early O'Clock January 22, 2015. I have just quit getting ready for bed because I realized that my post is due in just a few short hours. About three hours before I get home from work tomorrow, in fact. So my countdown is going to have to be delayed, I'm afraid.

I'd like to take a few minutes, though, to thank all the fine folks at Authors Electric for allowing me to be a monthly contributor. I want to thank Reb MacRath for recommending me to the group; without his good word, I never would've gotten this chance to share my ideas outside my immediate circle of friends. I'd like to thank Susan Price for being so helpful, especially in my early days, with helping me learn the ropes of the blog site.   I want to also thank those of you who log in every month and comment on my posts, especially Bill Kirton, Madwippet, Dennis Hamley, and a whole slew of others whose names have escaped me.

I couldn't ask for a better, more supportive group of writers to share ideas with.

You people rock.

Casey, would you please dedicate "Rick the Kasbah" by The Clash to all these fine folks because apparently there is no such thing as a thank you song that isn't overly saccharine and cheesy (a taste combination that will surely make me sick again), and because The Clash are awesome?



Author's Electric, here's "Rick the Kasbah"
because "thank you" songs all kind of suck.

Next month, I promise. We finish this thing.


madwippitt said…
Glad you are on the mend :-) Of course we hate to think of you suffering, but more seriously, we don't want it to affect your ability to contribute your short story for the AE anthology .. :-)
Jan Needle said…
two things. it's a well-known fact in the old country that canned chicken noodles are the worst POSSIBLE medicine for a man with mutant zombie syndrome (it's not a virus; wise up), and secondly, at least it's improved your looks. keep up the treatment, and one day you'll be as handsome as me. in the meantime, get well soon.
Susan Price said…
Get better soon, Lev. Thank you for your kind words - but for future reference, let us know if it's hard to post, and we can fill in for you until you're better. But we are inspired by your committment.
Bill Kirton said…
I know you're in a relatively distressed state at the moment, Lev, and I hope you're soon back to your charming best. However, I do feel the need to set the record straight. None of us can ever aspire to be as handsome as Jan.
Chris Longmuir said…
Glad to hear you've pulled through, Lev, and no longer have to partake of the dreaded chicken broth. Mutant Zombie Syndrome is a terrible sickness, although maybe not quite so bad as man flu. The lesson is, stay away from Zombies!
glitter noir said…
Lev, glad you're on the mend. And thanks for the kind words.

Mad, I have it on good authority that Lev will be splitting a 500-word flasher into 10 parts, to be published over a decade.
Lydia Bennet said…
Lev, good to know you've pulled through, and congratulations on extending your top ten to yet another month ahead! It's lovely to have you on AE with your witty posts. Just one question, who's Rick the Kasbah, perhaps a Welsh guy who runs a middle eastern market in Cardiff? ;)

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