Parta-a-a-a-ay! - Authors Electric

Bring balloons, bring booze, bring the dogs,
bring whatever you like - but bring yourself!
It's time to partaaaay!

Well, perhaps not quite yet, but soon, so we're just getting ourselves in the mood.
Bercause this isn't any old party, this is the AE launch party for our forthcoming anthology. And because it is an e-book (although it will also be appearing as a physical version thanks to the heroic efforts and late night candle-burning of Susan Price) and we are Electric Authors, it will of course, be an online launch party. 

There's a lot to be said for the virtues of this - no need to find dog sitters (or for children either) while you are out. There is no driving there and back involved, so you can drink as much as you like - and no rushing to catch the last train either. No stress over what to wear (or wailing when you find your favourite outfit fits rather more snugly than the last time you donned it - or worse still, fails to fit at all). No one has to crawl out of bed at dawn the next day to tidy up the mess: in fact you can even attend the party from the comfort of your bed if that's what you fancy.
Of course there will be sparklers!
So do come and join the fun and mingle with us all - our Midsummer Day launch party starts at 11 am on June 21st - click HERE to receive your party invitation. (Or if you forget, just stumble on over to our FB page ...) Bring a friend, bring your dogs, wear what you like ... there will be virtual nibbles and drinks available, guaranteed not to produce hangovers or extra inches on the waistline. (Although we cannot be held responsible for the effects of anything real that you quaff or scoff as you recline amongst your goose down pillows)

Oh - and the reason for all the merriment? We did mention it didn't we? Our first anthology of short fiction stories, which will be appearing that day. It's called A Flash in the Pen and is available for pre-order on Amazon HERE in the UK and HERE in the US ... in fact it's available globally so check out your local Amazon ... and get ready to partaaaay!

Stuffed full of brilliant stuff.
And only 99p/99c so a bargain as well - but only for the first month
so rush out and buy a copy now!


Bill Kirton said…
Hmmmm. Sounds interesting. Think I'll drop in. But, with such an 'anything goes' approach and, no doubt, such eminent auteurs present, what sort of image to present? The usual sloppy, barefooted mess or full kilt and Prince Charlie jacket ensemble? Decisions, decisions.
madwippitt said…
It's hard to know what to wear, isn't it? I may settle for designer cobwebs which will sort the housework issue at the same time ...
Lydia Bennet said…
I've just recently noticed your labels Karen, hilarious! Do you by any chance like whippets? :)
Enid Richemont said…
I'll probably be wearing my usual party outfit - three sequins and lots of woad (even though I'm London-based, I do originate from more ancient territory).

Where can I find these labels? Have the whippeties swallowed them?
Enid Richemont said…
PS (to Bill) Come as a haggis.
Bill Kirton said…
Well, Enid, I do have the requisite shape and complexion.
madwippitt said…
I am a whippet servant Lydia Bennet, so yes ... the labels are at the end of the post Enid. I did wonder if anyone would notice them ... they were of course, dictated by the wippitties: naturally I followed their instructions, like any good wippitt servant :-)
Wendy H. Jones said…
I love a good party. I will be joining you all - from church. It's a good job I can multitask