Shake, Rattle and Roll by Wendy H. Jones

As I write this November, 2016,  has been a month of turmoil in more ways than one. This is not a political blog or post, but the reverberations of the Presidential Election in the United States have been felt around the world. Following Brexit Markets are in flux and world currencies are all over the place. Much worse than this are those individuals who have been affected by the earthquakes in New Zealand. My heart goes out to them as they face, not only a bleak Christmas, but a bleak future. Stability seems an ethereal thing, fleeting at best and something to grasp when we can.

Many feel that there is little to hold on to as their lives and worlds are being rocked. But as writers we do have one thing we can hold on to - our writing. Whatever happens we can put pen to paper and create worlds which a e safer and where good usually always wins. We can create worlds which take readers out of this one and transport them to another magical place. Not only that we can take ourselves away and enter a world where we are in control. Away from a place where we sometimes feel much of ur own control has been removed.

Whatever is going on we put pen to paper, or fingertips to computer keys. We keep moving forward in creative bursts taming our minds and our hearts through the medium of words. This is even more so in November which, to a writer, can only mean NaNoWriMo. Writers all over the world pledge to write 50,000 words of a novel. This encourages a discipline of writing every day and of putting words on a page.

I would agree with the sentiment in the picture at the beginning of this post. As a writer, I for one, am always thinking about my books, my characters and my novels. As a crime writer this can be somewhat disturbing. Most people drive along thinking of beautiful countryside. I drive along thinking that would be a great place to bury a body. In a literary sense of course.

Last night I launched my latest book, Killer's Crew, at Waterstones in Dundee. A great night was had by all with me reading from my book. I also talked about the strange laws there are in the world. Did you know in Scotland it is illegal to be drunk in charge of a cow. There was food, drink. laughter and dastardly deeds - all the ingredients of a fun packed night. A respite from the madness.

This seems like a suitable place to finish. If you would like to find out more about my books you can do so on


Amazon Author Page

Wendy H. Jones is the author of the best selling DI Shona McKenzie Mystery series of crime novels set in Dundee. The Dagger's Curse, the first book in her Fergus and Flora, Young Adult Mystery series was released on 10th September, 2016. She also has one non fiction book, Power Packed Book Marketing: Sell More Books.


Umberto Tosi said…
Congratulations on launching Killer's Crew! I look forward to reading it. Yes, I find it doubly difficult to concentrate this past week as America slips under the yoke of fascism, but strive forward we must, always writers writing.
Jan Needle said…
Congrats, Wendy. Great cover!
Susan Price said…
Wendy, it's illegal to be within the city bounds of Carlisle between the hours of sunset and sunrise, if your name is Armstrong.
Wendy H. Jones said…
Thanks Jan. Susan, I love it.

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