Shall I compare thee to a Sonnets Day?
By way of celebrating the 400th anniversary of
Shakespeare’s death, the Bodleian decided to create a special edition of the Bard’s 154 sonnets, inviting letterpress printers from around the world to
print a sonnet each in any style or language they chose. Sheets of widely
differing sizes, colours, design, fonts and languages flooded in and are being
collated at the library, and to mark the conclusion of this Sonnets 2016
Project, the Bodleian held a brief exhibition of some of these wonderful
hand-printed offerings, many on handmade paper.
Linocut by Coral Rose Dalitz |
Sonnet 146, printed by Pegasus School pupils |
‘....I am the dawn when children
and see the pale sunrise piercing the shorn
shadows. I am the flame which yet
burns on.’
(Flame by Jemima Webster & Khanh
After the readings it was time to look at the exhibition,
which included an enchanting Sonnet Tree: a structure hung with couplets,
quatrains and full-length poems, all written by schoolchildren during the Sonnet’s Alive! workshops. Here again, richness of poetic imagery,
instinctive understanding of rhythm and metre, together with a positive
revelling in Elizabethan vocabulary, showed just how much these young people had
immersed themselves in Shakespearean sonnetry. As Simon Armitage wittily
implied, with budding poets like these hammering at the door, the current
generation of poets had better watch their backs.