Keep Calm and Carry On Writing by Jan Edwards
As I type the temperature outside is around 26c, which I
quite like, generally speaking, but will concede that it makes it harder to
concentrate on the jobs at hand.
Having spent the morning
packing boxes in the shed in anticipation of our house move I did indulge in a
bottle of cider with (for) lunch and yes I’m sleepyyyyzzzzzzzz
But no time for naps.
Packing aside I still have deadlines – one of which being this blog.

Now I knows the perceived wisdom is to keep up the pressure
but I look at it this way. If I am sick of posting the same stuff over and over
I am fairly certain that everyone of my
social media contacts are equally sick of reading it. So time to take a
breather and turn to projects neglected for the duration.
The not so short story is coming along, but needs some added
The immediate task is the beta reading of a novel. Now I do suffer from a degree of dyslexia so
I don't attempt to carry out line edits for typos and punctuation but I pride
myself on being reasonably good at spotting continuity and logic glitches
- provided they are in someone else's
manuscript and not my own.
Selective glitch-spotting? What is that all about?

Yet reading work written by someone else and it leaps out at
you like a starving rabbit on a carrot!
Which only goes to prove that editors are golden and an absolute must!
I strongly suspect I
shall need to throw my hat into the room when I next meet up with my writing
pal - but such is the lot of the truthful beta reader.
After that I MUST finish that short story I have promised that editor... So time to get that tin hat adjusted – open every window to let
the breeze through - and carry on writing!
(Shouts to husband ‘is there any
more cider in the fridge?’)
Find out more about Jan's writing on her blog page.