I Think I May Have Foreseen the Coming of Trump Thirty Years Ago - Andrew Crofts
It seems I may have had some sort
of visionary experience at the end of the 1980s and
foresaw the whole Trump phenomenon.
In the course of filming an
interview the other day, I rooted out a book I published in 1990 with Hutchinson
Business Books titled “Hype – the Essential Guide to Marketing Yourself”.
![Image result for hype! [book]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51%2BAVT6junL._SX304_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg)
By today’s standards it was a
pretty mild affair, although I did talk a bit about the advantages of self-publishing,
which in those days was still called “vanity publishing”, and which I remember got
me a ticking off from the fabulous Libby Purves in the Times.
This was not only before the Internet took off, it was also before we were
familiar with the term “reality tv” and before we started to sink into the celebrity
culture swamp, which has since risen to our chins.
I guess if I was writing it today
the publishers would suggest a title like “How to Build a Platform for Yourself”.
Anyhow, in a summary on the very
last page of the book I find I wrote the following:
“Donald and Ivana Trump became
king and queen of New York
society because of their outrageously high profile success as property
developers, financiers and hoteliers. Even those who don’t like their style
have to admit that they are interesting at the moment, which means that they
can make contacts at any level they like, which leads to them being even more
successful and attractive to other achievers.”
Oh my days, what a lot can happen
in thirty years. I can only plead that I was still very young, (as, I guess, were Mr and Mrs Trump), and that out of
the mouths of babes ….
