Lev Butts Drops the Ball

So this last month has been really busy:

My wife and I are house hunting, which is hard enough normally, but we're needing a house to fit very specific needs: Room to move in some elderly family without the tediousness of actually having to, you know, deal with them on the daily. Room for our son to have his own living space without feeling like he's still a kid living with his parents. Room for me to write and research. Room for my books. Room for my wife to work. A yard for the dog. The cat can take what he gets. All within a very specific geographic area, and under a certain price tag.

It is like one of those really complicated grocery store logic puzzles.
Also, it being the end of July, my end-of-summer-term grading is kicking in full swing. Meanwhile,
I've been trying to finish the final volume of Guns of the Waste Land while also working on a secret side project with another writer (Hopefully I can talk more on that and on the process of writer collaboration next month).

All this to say, I completely forgot to write my blog post this month.

However, Here is a link to one of my favorite earlier posts about writing that, as an added bonus, has a link to one of my favorite short stories from Emily's Stitches

Here's the blog post: So You Want to Be a Writer

If you want to skip ahead to the story, here's that link: Negative Space

See you all next month!


Umberto Tosi said…
A puzzle, a blog and a story: Thanks for a rich post this month, Lev. It's a three-fer!

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