Getting sucked in - Karen Bush
Much has been said here about the importance of getting a book cover right, and when I'm browsing in a bookshop, it's certainly the first thing which catches my eye and makes me look closer. The title may hook me further, but as far as I'm concerned personally, the first pull comes from the appearance of the cover. I've read books which I've loved, but would never have considered if the cover hadn't lured me over and then sucked me into picking
them up - Across the Nightingale Floor by Lian Hearn is one such. Although I did enjoy reading Shogun many years ago, it was only because I missed the last episode of the mini-series on TV and wanted to know what happened that I bought it - Japanese Samurai stuff isn't something which ordinarily holds any appeal for me. But this ravishingly gorgeous cover (and this picture really doesn't do it justice) made me go over, look closer, pick it up and then to start reading. And then, of course I had to buy it (and wait breathlessly for the rest of the Otori series to appear ...) No jacket design credit is given anywhere - tut.

them up - Across the Nightingale Floor by Lian Hearn is one such. Although I did enjoy reading Shogun many years ago, it was only because I missed the last episode of the mini-series on TV and wanted to know what happened that I bought it - Japanese Samurai stuff isn't something which ordinarily holds any appeal for me. But this ravishingly gorgeous cover (and this picture really doesn't do it justice) made me go over, look closer, pick it up and then to start reading. And then, of course I had to buy it (and wait breathlessly for the rest of the Otori series to appear ...) No jacket design credit is given anywhere - tut.

Another eye-grabber was Pure Dead Magic by Debi Gliori. I mean, who could resist a book bound with a luscious deep purple velvety textured cover? (The brainchild of Tracey Hearst, with silhouettes by the author). I picked it up, stroked and caressed it and had to have it. I loved the story too (and all the others in the series as well)
With e-readers, I find that covers are rather less of a draw: when browsing online, tiny images don't have quite the same impact as when seen full size in real life. My e-book choices are influenced more by reviews than covers, and my purchases are consequently less spontaneous. Yes, you can read often quite substantial chunks of text before purchase (if you were to read the same amount in a bookshop you'd feel morally obliged to purchase it) to help you decide whether this is a book you want to make closer acquaintance with.
But it all feels a bit clinical at times. I do love the impulse-buy aspect of bookshops.
But it all feels a bit clinical at times. I do love the impulse-buy aspect of bookshops.
You can find out more about me and my books at
That Lian Hearn cover is remarkably like Murakami's 1Q84!
Yes Debbie,isn't Debi Gliori's 'Pure Dead...' series great. Funny, a genuinely unique sort of fantasy, an odd fusion of Scotland and Italy and superbly inventive. Books which made me really laugh out loud. I reviewed them all and was bowled over.