A little earlier this year, Authors Electric were contacted by Jason Hunt, who said he had a cheeky request.  Would we donate books to the raffles he’d be holding throughout this year, to raise money for charity?  We decided that we would.  Jason’s  ‘JustGive’ page is here - http://www.justgiving.com/BCH2012 

          We also thought we’d like to know a little more about Jason and his money-raising.  So, Jason, tell us a little about yourself.

Jason and his friend, Claire
        J:  Hey. My name’s Jason. I'm 35 - but act a lot younger!  I live in a little village in Leicestershire. I started raising money for charity last year,  firstly by helping out with an event at my workplace, which then kind of gave me the bug.
          So far, I’ve raised money for Everyman, the male cancer charity, Alzheimers UK, Children in Need, Red Nose Day, and a few others. 

          A/E: You’ve been busy!

         J:  I also raised money this year for Mind, the mental health charity.  Mind is special to me, since I’ve suffered quite badly from depression ever since I was 16.  I’ve found that raising money for charities helps my illness, as it gives me a focus, whether it’s asking people for things to raffle or auction, or organising events. It never fails to shock me how kind and generous people are. People and companies have been willing to donate items, their time and money to my events, and at a time when people are finding it more expensive to live, their kindness is amazing.

        A/E:  What charities are you raising money for this year?

          J: Last year I raised money for four different charities, but this year I’ve decided to concentrate on just one: Birmingham Childrens’ Hospital.  You can find their site by following this link - (www.bch.org.uk).  They see over 225 thousand sick children, from all over the UK, every year, and 10,000 children a year in their cardiac unit alone.  One in every hundred children is born with a congenital heart problem, and the hospital needs to replace worn and outdated equipment and – as their reputation grows and demand for their service rises – they need to build a second cardiac theatre.

       A/E: How are you going to raise money for them, Jason?

         J: For the whole of this year I shall be holding sponsored events and raffles to raise as much money as possible for the hospital.  All of the money raised will go to the Hospital, towards their appeal.

        A/E:  How can our readers help?

        J:  I’ve set up a page on the JustGiving site.  You can find it here - www.justgiving.com/bch2012
          Donating through JustGiving is totally secure. Your details are safe - JustGiving will never sell them on or send you unwanted emails. Once you donate, they’ll send your money directly to the charity and make sure Gift Aid is reclaimed on every eligible donation by a UK taxpayer. So it’s the most efficient way to donate.  It enables me to raise more, whilst saving time and cutting costs for the charity.
          Authors Electric have already been a great help, with all the books you’ve given me.  I’d like to thank all of your writers for their support and kindness. It makes all the hard work and time put in for these events more than worthwhile.
          If some of your readers gave a little to the appeal too, that would be even more fantastic.
           And if any of your readers or writers want to help in any other way, by donating gifts or taking part in an event, they can contact me on jasonhunt1977@gmail.com 

         A/E: Thanks, Jason.  Will you keep in touch through the year and let us know how you’re getting on?

         J:  I certainly will!

Birmingham Children's Hospital
        A/E:   And we at Authors Electric will keep an eye on the donations page and keep our readers updated.
          Here are those links again – 

          Jason’s JustGiving page - www.justgiving.com/bch2012

           The link to Birmingham Childrens’ Hospital - http://www.bch.org.uk/about.php

           And Jason’s contact email: jasonhunt1977@gmail.com 

           We know it’s not easy to find spare cash at the moment, but it doesn’t have to be a lot.  Even £1 – even 50p – will raise the total.
          At this site, we get roughly 5000 page-views a month at the moment.  If everyone who viewed the page clicked through and gave 50p, we could raise £2500 in a month!  In the nine months left of the year, that could be £22,500!
           But if we could club together with Jason and raise even £100, that would be £100 the hospital and the kids didn’t have before, and that would be great, wouldn’t it?


Jan Needle said…
technophobe tho i be, i think i've just managed to tweet this and a couple of links. anyone else want to have a try? @janneedle

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