A "Well Sick" Story - Andrew Crofts

This month the folk at Wattpad turned their attention to promoting “The Overnight Fame of Steffi McBride”, which had been pulling in a few readers on its own but was lagging a long way behind its prequel, (“The Fabulous Dreams of Maggie de Beer”, which has now had comfortably over 300,000 hits).
As well as putting Steffi on their “featured” page, which is pretty much like getting onto the front table at Waterstones, they also suggested we put up a contest, asking Wattpad readers to give one good reason why they would like to become famous overnight, and one good reason why they would not.
The contest is running for another couple of months but we have already had several hundred entries, all of which show a commendable grasp on the advantages and disadvantages of instant fame.
This month also saw a preview of the finished television pilot for Steffi from Emerald Films, which is going up on the internet in February with all the attendant social media hoo-ha.
The film is a beautiful piece of work or, as one of the more streetwise young cast members said, “that is well sick”, which apparently suggests there are considerable grounds for optimism.


Dan Holloway said…
shall very much look forward to the pilot, and very best of luck with the comp. It's a fascinating question, and I'd struggle to come up with just one reason for either side
glitter noir said…
Congratulations on the promotional push, the pilot...and the wings that your baby has found. Nothing like "overnight success", eh?

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