Guest Post: The Confession of a Zombie Vicar by TA Donnelly
The video tape was entitled The Dawn of the Dead.
My day job is a Vicar, I am in charge of two small churches in South London. I spend my time leading services, running various community projects and being 'professionally nice' to people.
My congregation know I have 'another life' but generally they are too polite to mention it. Every day I get up three hours before Morning Prayer and write grisly horror novels.
My novels are not simply horror, they are that least-respectable and most-maligned sub-genre of horror: zombie novels!
I've written (and out of kindness for humanity, kept hidden) short stories and aborted novels about vampires, demons, aliens and evil vegetables, but I can't keep away from zombies. Zombies are the most horrific creations of the horror genre: If you become a werewolf you can lead a relatively normal life (apart from at the 'wrong time of the month'); if you become a vampire you get to live forever as a cool super-powered goth; but there is no good side to becoming a zombie.
Zombies just rot and feed. They are mindless, sacks of decaying meat that make a mockery of the life they once lived.
Horror's most enduring creations survive because behind the scares and the gore they offer us profound reflections on the human condition: Werewolves make us reflect on the violence that lives in the human heart, Vampires reflect our lust, and zombies show us the drudgery of a life lived without purpose (or should I say ‘unlife’).
This is the real danger to our souls in our 21st Century consumerist society! As long as the mindless pursuit of wealth and security dominates our lives we are all at risk of becoming zombies! Zombies warn us that if we don't start living the rot will set in. Literally. (Is that a trace of a sermon creeping in to my writing? Sorry, it's an occupational hazard!)
The other factor in making zombies so terrifying is that there is no escape: If you encounter a werewolf you can leave the woods; if you encounter a vampire you can leave the neighbourhood; but zombies want to eat the whole world - they rise and the world ends. What could possibly be scarier than that? As a zombie-writer there can be few pleasures greater that describing places you know being overrun by the living dead. I've had zombies run amok through Bexleyheath, Rochester, Central London and Greenwich Park. Next stop has to be my home town of Belfast. (Watch out Northern Ireland - the zombies are coming!)
If you want to explore the zombie apocalypse (and are over 18) try The Wild Strawberry Trilogy (Book One: Descent; Book Two: Life in Hell; Book Three: Ascent).
For the under 18s I have also written the entirely Zombie-free novel The Parliament of the Dead (it's about ghosts, evil priests and a feisty teenage girl).
T.A. Donnelly is Vicar of the Church of the Ascension, Blackheath, @TrevorDonnelly on Twitter
But evil vegetables? I want to know more!
So true! So many publishers (even horror ones) won't touch zombies with a chain-saw, but there are no bad subjects, just bad writing!
This was an awesome post. Thank you for highlighting the racial and gender issues. I look forward to checking out your work.
Quote : "As long as the mindless pursuit of wealth and security dominates our lives we are all at risk of becoming zombies!"
Oh so true. If only, we could let go of all this ...attachment...this...'stuff'... not so easy though...that's the problem...
We are all slaves of 'the system'...We are all Zombies...too late.
In search of a way...