Word Association and Other Links by Ann Evans.

I was trying to think
of something interesting and inspiring to write about for my Authors
Electric blog this month, and thought I'd look back at the blog, to
remind myself what other authors had written in the hope it might
kick start my blogging brain!
So I Googled Authors
Electric – or rather I didn't Google Authors Electric, I hit the
wrong keys and Googled Arthurs Electric. And got a whole different
category of topics and websites. I was suddenly faced with all the
information I needed if I wanted to get my chainsaw serviced!
It had to be word
association, because when I thought of chainsaw I immediately thought
of two things – and they both have a writing link.
Hurray! I'd got my blog
idea by default – very weird, but I'm not complaining.
So, chainsaws! And my
first thought was of the horror film The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
and the time I interviewed the leading man from the original film,
Leatherface himself – Gunnar Hansen. My second word association
thought was about a petite young woman who I interviewed for a craft
magazine who carves wooden sculptures using a chainsaw.
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Gunnar Hansen photo by Rob Tysall |
Interviewing Gunnar
Hansen came about after I'd interviewed Darth Vader star, Dave Prowse
at his gym in London around the 25th anniversary of Star Wars. We had a good interview and my photographer (Rob Tysall) and I arranged to meet Dave
for lunch in Coventry (my home town) the following month, when he was
here to sign autographs in a sci-fi shop. Gunnar Hansan was also
signing and so we all went off to lunch.
So, there I was, all 5
feet 2 of me, being whisked off by 6ft 4in terror of the skies Darth
Vader and the 6ft 4in tall chainsaw wielding Leatherface. Rob followed in his
car with his wife and later said to me, “I couldn't believe I'd let
you go off with the two biggest mass murderers of all time!”
(Fictionally speaking
of course!)
But, we all had a great
chat over lunch, and I discovered that Icelandic-born Gunnar Hansen
was also a writer. He chatted about his book Islands at the Edge
of Time which told of his
journey along America's barrier islands, examining the culture,
history and the people along the way. He also writes poetry and film
scripts, as well as directing. An interesting, intelligent man who
you might nor normally get the chance to sit down and have lunch
My other chainsaw
word association memory, was when Rob and I met Heather Crompton, a
young, petite mum of two who wields a chainsaw in the name of art!
It was after seeing her amazing carvings at an outdoor sculpture
exhibition close to my home which I'd covered when writing for the
Coventry Telegraph, that I got in touch with her to do a more in
depth article for Craft & Design magazine.
So it was off to
Huddersfield to talk to her and see her in action. Here we discovered
that with a BA Hons degree in Fine Art, she had worked with all kinds
of materials but it was wood that she had a special affinity with.
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Heather Crompton Photo by Rob Tysall |
The passionate way she
talked about her wood carving struck a chord with me, and quite
recently as I've been working on a particular story which involves a
male character who takes up wood carving, I've found myself using
some of the phrases that she used when describing her craft.
It's funny how one thing leads to another, don't you think?
Please visit my website: www.annevansbooks.co.uk
My latest non-fiction book, Become A Writer - A Step by Step Guide is available in paperback and as an ebook: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Become-Writer-Step-Guide/dp/1907670246
And with apologies, the pedant in me seems to remember that one of the most famous things about the seminal 1970s horror film in question is that the title uses "Chain Saw" as two separate words?
I've no link with the first of your associations, though - I'm only 6 feet 2.