The Best Excuse... by Mark Chisnell

I had intended to write this month's blog about Rory A Miller's excellent book, 'Violence: A Writer's Guide'. I particularly wanted to look at its impact on my new 'Janac's Games' short story, 'The Sniper'... but all my good intentions went out of the window at 8.58 on Tuesday morning, when my wife Tina and I welcomed our baby boy Aiden to the world, a month ahead of schedule.

To say that we weren't quite ready would be a small understatement, and since then we've been scrambling to finish preparing for Aiden's arrival (Buggy - tick; Cot - tick; Prepare Nursery - definitely not yet ticked; Nappies - fast running out) all the while learning how to look after our little one in his first few days in the world.

So instead of a short treatise on writing, research and violence, you'll have to settle for this rather gorgeous picture of my lovely wife and baby son. And I promise I'll be back with something more writerly next month...

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Wonderful news, Mark, and a great photo too.
Congratulations to you all.
Sue Purkiss said…
Bill Kirton said…
Beautiful photo. Many congratulations to you both and welcome to Aiden.
madwippitt said…
congratulations and welcome!
Lee said…
Congratulations! Lovely child, lovely mum. Thanks for sharing an early photo.
Elizabeth Kay said…
Congratulations - he looks gorgeous.
Mark Chisnell said…
Thanks everyone, I'm very proud of my wife and little boy :-)
Chris Longmuir said…
Congratulations, Mark. That's the best ever reason to take a break from writing.
Kathleen Jones said…
Utterly adorable, Mark! Congratulations!!!
Lydia Bennet said…
Congratulations to you both and welcome Aiden, what a gorgeous pic!
glitter noir said…
Congratulations, Mark. Absolute beauty times two.
julia jones said…
Love the attitude of a baby who decides to turn up early and take his or her chance on the parents being 'ready'. What the heck is ready anyway? I've been a parent for years and years and still get caught out by every new phase. Delighted for all of you
Jennie Walters said…
Hooray! Wonderful news, Mark - wishing much happiness for the three of you. What a lovely photo!

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