Art imitates life imitates art while most of us just try to figure out what's going on
From Skin Wars - Life imitating art imitating life. Oscar Wilde, famously quoted as saying 'life imitates art far more than art imitates life', must be spinning in his grave about now. Certainly, one hundred and thirty years ago his statement was probably true. In fact, it was probably true twenty years ago. Now, however, life has once again taken the reins and is moving and changing at a pace too fast for even the most trendy hipsters to keep up with. Social landscapes are constantly changing. Now sex and gender mean different things and it's becoming more commonly accepted that there are dozens of the latter. Technology that seemed decades or even centuries away now looks plausible in the next few years. Fake news is so common, even from previously trusted sources, that the real trick is finding true news. The political landscape pushes the boundaries of even the most on-trend Tom Clancy or Bill Patterson novel (in fact, the latter has even joined forces with a ...