Write What You Know? I Don't Think So! by @EdenBaylee
How does a writer get an idea for a story? I’ve read several blogs where authors got annoyed when asked this question. I don’t get annoyed, but it does make me think. It’s not an easy question to answer.
I’ve always considered “Write what you know” a frustrating piece of advice. New writers might even take it at face value to avoid taking risks with their own writing. A good writer shouldn’t be afraid to explore new points of view and create imaginative worlds.
The old maxim “Write what you know” comes to mind, but what does this really mean? Does it mean the author has lived his or her characters’ lives?
I’ve written erotic fiction, psychological suspense, and mystery, and though a lot of who I am has shaped my female characters, I have certainly not lived their lives. The protagonists have been strong women who have loved deeply, travelled the world, had sex with men—sometimes multiple men at the same time.
My characters are much more interesting than I am, and that’s how I want them to be.
You can infer what you like, but I believe fiction should be more than just thinly veiled reflections of authors’ lives. As writers, we should not limit ourselves to what we know.
I can assure you I have not experienced everything I’ve written. So how can I write about the beauty of a place without actually having been there? How can I convey the magic of falling in love in a foreign land if I’ve never set foot in the country? The answer is I’ve fallen in love before—that is the part I know. Along with fear, longing, lust, and a range of other emotions, the remainder must come from research and my imagination. The measure of good writing is how successfully I can connect my fiction to my readers—on both an emotional and an imaginary plane.
There are other guidelines for where we can find our ideas. I like to write what I want to know. As a reader, it satisfies me to learn something new with each book. I approach writing in a similar fashion—I want to share something new with the audience. In my research, I'm making discoveries that I hope to present in a fresh and compelling narrative. I write about what intrigues me. I write what I want to read.
For me, the saying is not event-driven but has to do with empathy for the characters. It’s about the emotions associated with events. The extent to which I can relate these emotions to an experience, whether real or imagined, is what breathes life into characters and their stories.
Good writing is good story telling, so it’s important to bring personal experiences into a book if they make for an interesting tale. If they don’t, then nobody wants to read what you know anyway.
It would be boring.
Instead, it’s more useful to spin a tale into something fantastical for the reader, something they’ve never experienced. This is where a writer’s imagination collides with the facts. This is what makes for good storytelling.
Finally, authority and authenticity are important to readers. If you don’t know something, research it. Don’t know what it’s like to commit murder? Figure it out without actually killing someone. Alternatively, interview a murderer or read a memoir of one. Just remember people lie. If you don’t know the difference between Chardonnay and Muscadet, look it up. There’s this thing called the Internet ... and libraries. And if you’re writing about a culture different from your own, please take the time to research it and then ask people from that culture to read your work. Out of respect for them, it’s important to get it right. Some narratives are not mine to tell if I can't do it properly.
So … if you’re a writer of fiction, what does “write what you know” mean to you?
Please free to share. 😊
I think the advice would be better phrased as 'Use what you know in your writing' -- but that isn't as snappy. And, as you point out, 'what you know' means emotions, not just facts. I've never been in a truly terrifying situation but I have been very scared -- I can use that experience of fear as an entrance point to something much worse.
Maybe it should be 'write AS you know'?
For example, my horse experience turns up regularly, and has so far resulted in two historical novels about famous horses... and I suspect there might be more to come! Also, I have flown a glider solo and used that flying experience in one of my fantasy novels when I was trying to get into the mind of a bird-boy. You seem to carry emotions across to fictional characters in a similar way?
I know so little about so much, but I have knowledge about a handful of topics.
What I know would not fill up a notebook, let alone multiple novels!
Research, imagination, and what we know are all necessary for good writing, but as you say, the ability to adapt our emotions to different situations is so important for storytelling.
Thanks for your comment and have a super weekend,
"Write AS you know" makes a lot of sense! I'm not sure I've ever written from the perspective of an animal. This would be very challenging for me, so I admire writers who are able to do this.
Really appreciate your comment, have a great weekend,
We certainly must strive for more, agree.
Thanks for your comment!
I can make a smart-ass comment about your age, but I'll refrain. I must respect my elders, after all, hehehe.
YAY that you're writing another book! A trilogy is definitely impressive. You must do it! You're an excellent researcher so I imagine that will be the fun part. Bon weekend!
Thanks for sharing your unique perspective. I have so much respect for someone like you who can adapt human experiences to a world that is not steeped in reality. I believe people who write fantasy and sci fi have enormous imaginations.
I don't have to build a new world when I write fiction because my books take place in the here ... maybe not the now, but they are of this planet. My characters are human, so I can carry emotions over to them from my own experiences, or from experiences voiced by others.
That you can relate your solo hang gliding experience to the mind of a bird-boy is really talented. I imagine you are an adventurer because it informs your stories, and I think that's a great way to connect to writing.
I think "Write what you know" does make a lot of sense for writers of non-fic, memoir, journalistic articles, and opinions.
Have a super weekend,
Right? We shouldn't!
Enjoy your weekend,
I checked out a red-light district in Lagos online for other situations, but I have also lived some sexual/emotional stuff. I researched how to hand-build a crossbow and a taser online. I do try to keep the story realistic even when I've used some esoteric magic, because I've witnessed it in real-life.
Great article,
Brian George
I love your backstory. The market of readers is funny, as is the whole marketing of books in general.
It's really encouraging to hear how you turned something around that wasn't selling to something that did! Please don't be shy about the name of your book!